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[WPC] Mage Chronicles: Episode 19: Slow Motion

The mancers stood in a circle at the centre of the valley, over half of the goblins already dead. As the numbers steadily decreased, Webley looked down, a frown of worry clear on his forehead. Hearing the screams of his dying brethern shook him to his core, he would still complete his task.

Jumping down onto the wooden structure, the golden tassels of the epaulettes fluttering in the wind as he fell. Taking his stance, he inhaled and let all the mana stored in his body descend into the wooden boards beneath his feet. Deafening creaks echoed as the wooden structure came to life.

Crumpling with exhaustion, Webley lay on the deck of the now floating structure.

"Now I can finally rule from above" He smiled to himself.

"I don't think that'll happen" A voice said, as a figure materialised in front of him. "You have served your purpose, you are no longer needed"

"Bu-but master chan, you promised me" Webley said, his lips trembling with fear.

The figure walked towards the cowering goblin, he laid one hand on him and he disappeared. Walking to the top of the deck, the Chronomancer smiled as the mancers defeated the last goblins. Placing his two fists together, he travelled to the above cliff instantly. As the wooden structure materialised beside him, he laughed and made a flurry of gesture with his hands.

Below the mancers stood frozen to the spot, the falling goblins suspended in air. The whole valley was a frozen battlefield, they'd stay that way until the very end. The Chronomancer fixed his glasses as he looked at the across to the opposite cliff that circled the east of the valley. A figure stood there, he could almost make out a blue tinge. Then the roaring sound came, the figure raised his hands to the air as a river of water came beneath the figure.

As the water propelled the figure closer and closer to the Chronomancer, thin streams of water picked the mancers below and lifted them to the cliff, the mancers instantly coming to life again.  A smirk ran across the figure's face, as the blue hands summoned the water to attack the Chronomancer.

"Hydromancer" The Chronomancer growled...............

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Author Thread
Published: 2010/10/10 17:14  Updated: 2010/10/10 17:14
Pack Member
Joined: 2010/3/4
From: Schöneck/Germany
Comments: 342
 Re: [WPC] Mage Chronicles: Episode 19: Slow Motion
^^ Nice it's reading Like i watching Wakfu
Published: 2010/10/11 17:36  Updated: 2010/10/11 17:36
Wise Wolf
Joined: 2010/5/26
From: Northern Ireland
Comments: 1304
 Re: [WPC] Mage Chronicles: Episode 19: Slow Motion
Very nice! Can't wait for the end ^^