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[WPC] Mage Chronicles: Episode 14: Closing In

That morning, the group left at dawn. After waiting outside the town for 10 minutes, they saw the twins.

"What took you so long?" Snooze whined, stamping her feet.

"Well I don't know about you, but when I have to leave, I usually tell the Garrison that they need to look after the town" Blaze smirked.

"Are we going to bicker or are we going to leave?" Conor said, arching his eyebrows.

Needing no more encouragement, the began their journey. The road from Hamesly, heading south, was paved with mortar for a few miles, gradually turning into dirt. The environment was becoming greener, with forests dotted across the countryside. Around noon, rain came in from the east. Conor tried his hardest to weave the water away, but the size of the group required to much concentration. Giving up, he led them into the forest.

Gathering under a pine tree, they watched as the dirt road turned into mud.

"Great" Zeek said sarcastically, rubbing the wolf cub.

"Zeek, will you please shut it!" Snooze exclaimed.

"GUYS!" Conor shouted, the words echoing, "I'm meant to be the youngest here, will you please grow up! This isnt going to impeed our journey, we can still travel through the forest."

Walking through the forest was no easy task, fallen trees and thistles littered the ground. After an hour walking, they decided to stop for lunch.

"I'm starving" Hemi said, holding his stomach.

Handing him some bread, Snooze manipulated the branches overhead into a shelter, stopping the occasional raindrops coming through. As they finished up, they saw a light in the distance. Putting his finger to his lips, Conor beckoned the group to follow him. Closing in on the light, they could see that it was a fire. Figures were seated around it, about seven in total. Blaze waved his hand, the fire dying out.

"What was that?" one of the figures whispered, turning to his right.

"You're being paranoid, Xeno" someone rasped.

"The Boss said to be careful Weeperr!" The voice, obviously Xeno, replied.

"The Boss is paranoid too" The rasping voice said.

Conor edged closer, looking at the figures.

"Oh no" The Hydromancer whispered, turning around.

"What?" Jingle said, impatience creeping into his tone.

"Goblins" Conor said.........

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Author Thread
Published: 2010/9/5 14:51  Updated: 2010/9/5 14:51
Joined: 2010/2/19
From: the Netherlands
Comments: 2442
 Re: [WPC] Mage Chronicles: Episode 14: Closing In
Xeno and Weeperr are goblins!! I wonder who the boss is, and the raspy voice...
Published: 2010/9/5 17:43  Updated: 2010/9/5 17:43
Pack Member
Joined: 2010/3/27
From: Newcastle, England
Comments: 1567
 Re: [WPC] Mage Chronicles: Episode 14: Closing In
Excellent love it!
Published: 2010/9/6 9:16  Updated: 2010/9/6 9:16
Old Grey
Joined: 2009/12/14
From: UK
Comments: 1902
 Re: [WPC] Mage Chronicles: Episode 14: Closing In
Published: 2010/9/6 22:33  Updated: 2010/9/6 22:33
Wise Wolf
Joined: 2010/5/26
From: Northern Ireland
Comments: 1304
 Re: [WPC] Mage Chronicles: Episode 14: Closing In
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