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[WPC] Mage Chronicles: Episode 10: Cold Feet

Conor woke suddenly, noticing the drop in temperature. He saw the man in the white robes standing over him, hands pure white. He looked over to his friends but they were still fast asleep. The man put his fingers to his lips and beckoned him outside. Conor followed, starting to get anxious.

"Why are you in my cave?" The man said sternly.

"I was looking for a Cryomancer, and I take it, that's you" Conor said back, one hand turning blue behind his back, just in case.

"Yes that's me" The Cryomancer answered, his serious gaze unfaltering "I know you must seek my help, if you travelled all this way, and I will hear you out. But first-"

"Let me guess, a duel" Conor said feigning boredom.

"Wise child, but I will propose this to you. When your friends wake up, we'll have a team duel, 3 vs 3."

"Now that'll be interesting, I call Zeek and Alpha" the young Hydromancer said, flashing one of his biggest smile.

The Cryomancer was trying his hardest not to return the gesture, and just walked back into the cave. He added more wood to the fire, and started cooking some meat from his pack. He ushered Conor to sit beside him.

"Now tell me this story of yours" He said, his gaze intent on the fire.

Conor explained the entire events so far, with the Cryomancer asking questions every so often. Careful not to seem excited, he kept his voice to a whisper.

"And I heard your name is Jingle" Conor said, finishing his tale.

"Yes, these mountains are perfect for practising Cryomancy. Make something with your Water" He said pointing to the bucket.

Conor weaved the water into a giant wolf, placing it at the end of Zeek's feet. Jingle pointed his arms towards the liquid figure, and it slowly solidified, turning into ice. At that moment, Zeek awoke and screamed at the ice-wolf, waking the whole group........

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