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[WPC] News


All the news about the Wolf Pack clan's community.
Happy New Year 2020
Posted by Whisky (2019/12/31)

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Firstly, I know what your thinking; “Whisky, you’ve not been an active member for ages! Why are you posting now?” Well, once a wolf always a wolf and now we are into a new year I thought it past time we needed a new newsletter on the front page.

[WPC] Polls
What is your prefered genre of game?
Survial 0% (0)
Horror 0% (0)
Simulation 0% (0)
First Person Shooter 0% (0)
Adventure 0% (0)
RPGs 0% (0)
MMOs 0% (0)
A mix of the above 0% (0)
Other: Let us know below 0% (0)
The poll closed at 2020/1/4 17:19
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[WPC] Discussions
Forum Topic Replies Views Last Post
[PUBLIC] General Chit Chat I keep seeing WPC and I miss it dearly. 0 8647 2020/4/24 6:52 Blitzkrieg
[PUBLIC] General Chit Chat Just passing by. 0 11481 2020/3/11 23:35 Weeperr
[PUBLIC] General Chit Chat I Miss You Guys 2 13880 2020/1/26 5:06 Webley
[PUBLIC] General Chit Chat Whats up Family 4 23698 2018/7/20 23:37 Helldome
[PUBLIC] General Chit Chat Hello from Solo    [1][2] 13 57823 2018/1/11 23:37 LordDean
[PUBLIC] General Chit Chat WHAT UP YALL    [1][2] 12 71213 2017/7/24 14:57 Zeeky
[PUBLIC] General Chit Chat lets see your gaming setup!    [1][2][3]..................[50] 498 462850 2017/5/7 22:52 Helldome
[PUBLIC] General Chit Chat Post you Art....    [1][2][3]...............[9] 84 133718 2017/5/7 22:51 Helldome
[PUBLIC] General Chit Chat Tribute to all WPC Members old and new!    [1][2][3][4] 32 163538 2017/5/7 22:46 Helldome
[PUBLIC] General Chit Chat HAPPY BIRTHDAY WOODY 4 41184 2016/12/25 21:56 RenownedWolfman
[PUBLIC] General Chit Chat Happy New Year! 5 44244 2016/12/25 21:55 RenownedWolfman
[PUBLIC] General Chit Chat Admin Applications? 3 38273 2016/12/16 5:26 theblade009
[PUBLIC] Applications & Recruitment CorkyT's Application 1 27651 2016/12/16 5:24 theblade009
[PUBLIC] General Chit Chat Happy Birthday Buzz!!!! 2 33053 2016/12/16 5:18 theblade009
[PUBLIC] General Chit Chat Wolf Pack Clan Application 9 52178 2016/12/16 5:17 theblade009
[PUBLIC] Games GTA 5 cars 1 29022 2016/2/20 0:33 Buzz
[PUBLIC] General Chit Chat HAPPY BIRTHDAY WEBLEY!! 1 34491 2016/1/17 15:09 Tic
[PUBLIC] General Chit Chat Merry Christmas !!!!! 1 33635 2015/12/25 22:07 Buzz
[PUBLIC] General Chit Chat HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY TO TIC!!!! 2 34724 2015/11/29 18:40 Oaksy
Killing floor Killing Floor 2 servers    [1][2] 11 71862 2015/11/29 17:17 Buzz