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[WPC] Mage Chronicles: Episode 17: Closing in

Ahead of the group, the forest was ending. The trees were becoming scarce and the ground wet. A humming sound was echoing through the area, albeit faint. Conor bent down to examine the ground, noting the footprints that lay in the mud.

"Hmmm" Conor said, poking around the mud "It's like something jumped down from above and ran".

"But the footprints are small, the thing must've been a goblin" Snooze said, pulling up her hood.

The group headed quickly, eager to find the source of the footprints. They reached a ravine, that stretched several metres below them and ran all the way from east to west. A small stream, less than a foot deep, trickled from the east. Telling the group to stay, Conor jumped down into the ravine. Uncertainty stretched across his face.


Three hundred metres from the group, Solo and Buzz looked at the dam. Several fallen trees were holding the vast amount of water at bay, the creaking of the wood barely audible.

"This is going to be fun" Solo giggled, jumping up and down on the spot.

"This isn't a game Solo" Buzz said, folding his arms

"Yeah yeah yeah, but who says work can't be fun, i can't wait to see the boss's face!" Solo sneered

"Shush I can see them!" Buzz whispered, "This'll give them a surprise"

"How will we get back to the boss? We'll have to go around them" Solo whispered back, eyes focusing on the figures ahead.

Buzz glared at the little Goblin, tempted to squash him like the little bug he was. And pushed the edge of the tree away with his legs, the water cascading to the mancers. Pulling the little goblin by the ear, he ran to the west towards the humming sound in the distance.


Conor could hear the rumbling clearly, the water barely visible, the amount of water visible increasing tenfold as it surged forward. Conor's eyes dilated with fear and looked at his friends.

"Come on!" He screamed, "Quickly!!"

The mages jumped down into the ravine, and with the Hydromancer holding the vast amount of water twenty metres away, the Terramancer pushed himself and the others onto the other edge of the ravine. They beckoned him with quick gestures, Snooze screaming as tears ran down her face.  Sweat pouring down his forehead, Conor looked at his comrades above him and smiled. Leaving the water cascade onto him, everything went black.....

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Author Thread
Published: 2010/10/1 18:17  Updated: 2010/10/1 18:17
Old Grey
Joined: 2009/12/14
From: UK
Comments: 1902
 Re: [WPC] Mage Chronicles: Episode 17: Closing in
ohhhhhhhh..... :)
Published: 2010/10/1 18:27  Updated: 2010/10/1 18:27
Wise Wolf
Joined: 2010/7/10
From: Winterhold
Comments: 1418
 Re: [WPC] Mage Chronicles: Episode 17: Closing in