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[WPC] Mage Chronicles: Episode 13: Double Trouble

As the sun set, the group gathered in the building that joined the two towers at the edge of the town. The building was only two storeys high and was built from granite. A tower stood at each end, one red and one grey. They were led into a dining room, that could easily accommodate twenty or more people. Taking their seats, the two men began.

"Hamesly is a unique town" The man in red started, " it is the only town with two mancers in it. Myself and my twin."

"My brother Blaze is a Pyromancer, I am an Aeromancer. I obviously am the better looking twin, as you probably noticed" The man in the grey robes continued, smiling at his guests.

"As I was saying, before Ozone rudely interrupted me" Blaze chuckled, "Our town is usually quiet, but reports from the garrison have been rising. They have seen hordes of Goblins accumulating to the south."

"Now, Goblins usually keep to themselves. But tonight sparked a new threat. Something is stirring and I fear it will expose itself soon" Ozone finished.

Conor introduced the others, receiving smiles from the almost identical men sitting opposite. He told them about his father's killer and how he thought this incident could be related.

"I think we should investigate" Hemi said, stroking his facial hair. " We must be discreet though, we don't want to give ourselves away".

Blaze's hands turned red, as flames danced across his hands. He sent them to the candles, where they rested and cast the room in an orange hue. Ozone's hands circled, a small gust carrying plates to the table, they rested precisely in front of each person. Claps echoed around the room, obviously impressed by the small display of their abilities. Conor sent the water into each glass and the wine for the Floramancer.

The banter started immediately, with Jingle voicing his opinion about the town and buildings. Snooze sat beside him, obviously keeping an eye on the Cryomancer. Zeek was quiet, looking after the wolf cub, who was growing in size.

"Can I rub him?" Conor asked the Necromancer

"Maybe later, he needs to eat first" Zeek replied, smiling at his cub.

"When are you going to wean him off the milk Zeek?" Jingle laughed, Snooze driving her elbow into his chest.

Zeek sent shadows to raise the Cryomancer's chair, his face turning the colour of his robes. After multiple screams from Jingle, Zeek let the chair fall to the ground. The whole group laughed but stopped after the glares of the Cryomancer. They ate in silence after that, each leaving after the meal.

"We leave tomorrow!" Conor shouted after them, before entering his room for the night...........

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Author Thread
Published: 2010/8/31 13:36  Updated: 2010/8/31 13:36
Old Grey
Joined: 2009/12/14
From: UK
Comments: 1902
 Re: [WPC] Mage Chronicles: Episode 13: Double Trouble
Published: 2010/9/1 9:33  Updated: 2010/9/1 9:33
Joined: 2010/2/19
From: the Netherlands
Comments: 2442
 Re: [WPC] Mage Chronicles: Episode 13: Double Trouble
I love how I'm keeping an eye on Jingle