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[WPC] Mage Chronicles: Episode 2: Dispersing the Shadows

Reaching the next town the following evening, Conor decided to head to the nearest Tavern to see if there would be any clues to who the necromancer would be. There were whispers of a "Night Spirit" who helps those in trouble, Conor bet this was the one. Walking out of the tavern, he could see that the darkness was starting to seep in. He went into the alley beside the tavern, he decided on a plan.

Conor lay down in the alley, feigning being a mug victim, an hour passed and no one came. Conor became desperate and screamed. A figure emerged from the shadows, the shadows wriggling around it.

"Are you okay?" it rasped

"I am now" Conor said

And with that Conor's hands turned blue and used the water from a nearby puddle to lift himself up.

"I see, You are a very young Hydromancer," the shadow rasped, "I will hear you out if you can defeat me in a duel"

"Let's go" Conor shouted

With lightning-speed the shadows in the alley came to life, lashing out at Conor, him batting them off with the water. Conor used the puddle behind the shadow to trip him, but the shadow quickly recovered, sending the darkness to cut Conor's Shoulderblade. Conor winced, using his abilities to stop the blood flowing out of the shallow wound.

Conor knew the one way to finish the duel, as a Necromancer has similar abilities to the Hydromancer, Conor wrapped a stream of water around the shadow, binding him to the wall. He made the water constrict bit by bit trying to cause discomfort but not pain.

"Give up?" Conor said

"OK, This is an even match" The shadow rasped once again, working with the shadows to try and free himself from the water. "I'm Zeek, and you are?"

"Conor, and I need your help" replied Conor

Zeek fell to the ground with a thud, his black robes covered in dust.

"I need the help of other mancers, do you know any?" Conor asked.

"I know one" Zeek replied.....

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