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Community : Killing Floor 2 is right around the corner children!
Posted by Timberwolf on 2014/11/20 0:50:00 (13068 reads)

As most of us already know. Killing Floor 2 will be out next year and loads of money i mean loads of us are going to be there to be a part of it

So here is another video on the progress of this awesome looking new game by tripwire(About time)

PS: Timberwolf and newsletters do not like eachother very much :P

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Author Thread
Published: 2014/11/20 20:17  Updated: 2014/11/20 20:17
Lair Keeper
Joined: 2010/11/3
From: New York
Comments: 402
 Re: Killing Floor 2 is right around the corner children!
Yeah i would say they don't like me what so ever..but its my first time making one,so i will get better at them