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Community : Alien Isolation Oct 7 2014
Posted by Buzz on 2014/9/28 10:30:00 (15673 reads)

 Only 9 days till Alien Isolation !

60s extended cut of the Alien: Isolation TV ad, which will be appearing across a number of TV channels in the US and Europe across the coming week on your home TV screens. As Amanda Ripley lands on the station that holds the Nostromo's black box - potentially the object that holds the secret to her missing mother's past - she quickly discovers that things are not as they seem...

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Author Thread
Published: 2014/9/29 3:11  Updated: 2014/9/29 3:11
Pack Member
Joined: 2011/3/6
From: Melboure, Australia
Comments: 438
 Re: Alien Isolation Oct 7 2014
Can not wait for this, should be coming at a really good time for me, during the quiet before the storm that is end of semester exams
Published: 2014/9/29 17:42  Updated: 2014/9/29 17:42
Lair Keeper
Joined: 2009/5/23
From: New York NY
Comments: 2728
 Re: Alien Isolation Oct 7 2014
Yea I really hope this one is not a big disappointment.
would like to see some good multilayer as well