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Community : Alien vs Predator Halloween Horror Nights
Posted by Buzz on 2014/9/21 9:50:00 (14165 reads)

The best new experience at Universal Orlando’s Halloween Horror Nights 2014 is easily the “Alien vs Predator” haunted house. Combining two classic, beloved film franchises into one high energy maze produces an exhilarating walkthrough experience.

The haunted house is definitely more “Alien” than “Predator.” And it’s not so much “versus” as having both species attack Horror Nights guests around every turn. There are puppets, animatronics, projections, and many more special effects that make the Alien creatures believably come to life, while the Predators are simply big guys in excellent costumes.

As the best house of this year’s event, it’s one of the mazes Universal Orlando has allowed us to show you via the video below. It’s not a 100% complete walkthrough, as we don’t want to ruin all the surprises, but you will get a good idea of how intense this experience is.

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Author Thread
Published: 2014/9/21 18:05  Updated: 2014/9/21 18:05
Lair Keeper
Joined: 2010/11/3
From: New York
Comments: 402
 Re: Alien vs Predator Halloween Horror Nights
That's pretty sweet Buzz..would scare the shitz out of me for sure
Published: 2014/9/21 19:35  Updated: 2014/9/21 19:35
Old Grey
Joined: 2009/5/21
From: Belgium
Comments: 1020
 Re: Alien vs Predator Halloween Horror Nights
But, but... that's my house!

Published: 2014/9/21 19:42  Updated: 2014/9/21 19:42
Wise Wolf
Joined: 2010/2/9
Comments: 520
 Re: Alien vs Predator Halloween Horror Nights
So would like to go there . looks pretty smart
Published: 2014/9/21 21:33  Updated: 2014/9/21 21:33
Pack Member
Joined: 2012/2/15
From: Greece
Comments: 498
 Re: Alien vs Predator Halloween Horror Nights
This looks to be one of the best haunted house events to date!
Published: 2014/10/7 0:32  Updated: 2014/10/7 0:38
Pack Member
Joined: 2011/4/1
From: Nevada
Comments: 66
 Re: Alien vs Predator Halloween Horror Nights
I wanted to go to this too in California hopefully they will have it every horror nights every yr. I believe this is second time for the walking dead i haven't watch that but i might when i get the chance.Nice vid they did a good job i don't scream in places i laugh one time i went to house of horrors in california they had Van helsing like the werewolf and stuff they had Chucky i was laughing i was enjoying it.