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Community : Happy New Year 2020
Posted by Whisky on 2019/12/31 23:10:00 (7094 reads)

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Firstly, I know what your thinking; “Whisky, you’ve not been an active member for ages! Why are you posting now?” Well, once a wolf always a wolf and now we are into a new year I thought it past time we needed a new newsletter on the front page.

It is now 2020, the clan website has been quite the past few years but that doesn’t mean the clan itself hasn’t been busy.

Its members have been playing games, getting married, raising cubs, moving around the world following dreams and careers.

So why not post in the comments below and let us know what’s been happening. I’ll start; I’m now a teacher in a local college working with apprentices and students in engineering and am going to be getting married on Halloween this year to my lovely fiancé Sophie! Who saw that one coming! 

I wish you all a happy new year!

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Author Thread
Published: 2020/1/26 4:55  Updated: 2020/1/26 4:59
Old Grey
Joined: 2009/12/14
From: UK
Comments: 1902
 Re: Happy New Year 2020
Happy new year to you to whisky,
I still have my WPC shirt that Hemi sent me years ago. I brought it to every country Ive been to, but only worn it twice so it wouldn't deteriorate over numerous washes. Hemi on the other hand used his to paint and decorate the house! True story. Woody used his when he went to DJ at nightclubs. This young wolf now has a daughter 7 years old. If you thought I had a screw loose or two in my day, you should meet her!!! hahahaha!!!!! Happy new year, happy Australia day, happy Chinese new year. Are we rebooting???? :) If i had one piece of advice to give to anyone over my years, it would be to never get married!! Have a good one!!!
Published: 2020/2/20 18:11  Updated: 2020/2/20 18:11
Lair Keeper
Joined: 2010/4/9
From: Essex, England
Comments: 1636
 Re: Happy New Year 2020
Happy new year!

A little late to the party but here none the less.
Published: 2020/3/19 19:21  Updated: 2020/3/19 19:21
Pack Member
Joined: 2010/3/27
From: Newcastle, England
Comments: 1567
 Re: Happy New Year 2020
I am also very late to the party, but I'm glad you here from you all.

I hope everyone is well in the new apocalypse!
Published: 2020/7/16 18:31  Updated: 2020/7/16 18:31
Pack Member
Joined: 2012/6/28
Comments: 53
 Re: Happy New Year 2020
Extra late to the party but sure why not. I graduated college with a degree in Graphic Design. Got married last year to a handsome guy. I work at an indie studio doing level design and game art for an upcoming RPG now, guess I couldn't stay away from games! Oh yeah here's a wild one ig, turns out I'm a woman