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Community : Killing Floor Goodies!! Yummy
Posted by Buzz on 2014/11/7 1:44:38 (11616 reads)

Looks like Our own Hemi is working on some new Killing floor goodies! I am very exited to see his post on steam. :)

Includes Old Brute / Brute / Butcher / Sick / GoreShank / Bastard / Shiver / Arachnid Crawlers / FleshPummel / Shafter in working order.

Quoting Hemi

"Prepping release for WPC Legacy mod, with all the zeds we created and ran on our servers. Source included on realese so people can toy around with it"

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Author Thread
Published: 2014/11/7 23:44  Updated: 2014/11/7 23:44
Lair Keeper
Joined: 2010/11/3
From: New York
Comments: 402
 Re: Killing Floor Goodies!! Yummy
Im very happy too see some fresh new content from Hemi
Can't wait to play around with these on the server right Buzz
Published: 2014/11/7 23:59  Updated: 2014/11/7 23:59
Pack Member
Joined: 2012/2/15
From: Greece
Comments: 498
 Re: Killing Floor Goodies!! Yummy
Yay, my favorite custom specimens are in there, great news!
Published: 2014/11/16 16:25  Updated: 2014/11/16 16:25
Pack Member
Joined: 2010/10/16
From: Philippines
Comments: 235
 Re: Killing Floor Goodies!! Yummy
Excellent news!

Go HEMI go!