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Community : Killing Floor 2 Map by Hemi
Posted by Buzz on 2015/5/25 18:56:27 (13114 reads)

And here it is folks. The Beta of KF-A-Operations. The first in many Aliens themed maps for killing floor 2.


Read the full scoop on the tripwire forums where you can follow Hemi's work.

Follow Hemi on Tripwire

you can play Operations on all of the wolfpackclan Killing Floor 2 servers

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Author Thread
Published: 2015/5/27 20:36  Updated: 2015/5/27 20:36
Pack Member
Joined: 2011/5/24
From: Moray, Scotland
Comments: 334
 Re: Killing Floor 2 Map by Hemi
Well that was quick. Good job!