Clan Council : Newsletter 21
Posted by Hemi on 2010/8/1 14:20:00 (5093 reads) |
Hello Wolves, Its member of the month time!!! This Month (august) : Yes our dear friend Dazoo. He has had some hard times these last few months, and he deserves a tap on the back for beeing such a good sport in-game. Anyone who has played with this guy either laughs at his sometimes n00bish gameplay, or gets unexpectedly asskicked by Dazoo chasing you with his electro bold stick thingy in HL2. He's been a bit busy lately, setting up his own trance label were I also have designed some stuff for. Anyone who's interested in some great trance-tunes : Airspace Myspace So its hats of to you sir this month. Your endless positivity is an inspiration to all the members, and you deserve all the succes in the world m8. Good luck!
Clan Council : Newsletter 20
Posted by Hemi on 2010/7/25 21:10:00 (3732 reads) |
Hello wolves,
Well...this is the winner of the photoshop contest...Congrats snoozy!
New Members
Lets welcome [WPC] Chriszje and [WPC] MrNolan to the clan! They can now post their avatar request in the avatar request topic on the forums. Extra party cous Nolan has been ok'd for the Royal Marines Commando's. Lets hope he saves us from all those zombie's and aliens!
You will receive a sweet avatar for these forums and the same one optimised for steam. Upgrades to these avatars can be won with the different competitions this clan helds once a week. Don't forget to change you steam name with the [WPC] tags! GanChan has a new partner in crime now with the arrival of MrNolan. He will join the Video Masters Of The Universe in adding vids to our WPC Library. Your title has to be earned m8, so start posting in the Video Forums.
The A L I E N Competition has started! Rules : 1. Species : ALIEN only 2. Time : under 25 min 3. Type : Team Death Match 4. Try to avoid 1 one 1 matches, higher amount of people in a fight shows more skill and honour. 5. Remember...A wolf never hunts alone. ;) So try to team up with other WPC members, this will undoubtfully help to boost your scores. 6. You can post scores as much as you want, but you have to top your previous offcourse. Do not post just to show what you have done this evening. I want this topic to be clean, so we will have a good overview of the scores. POST HERE 7. KILLS are your score...not XP. Competition lasts till 31-07-2010. POST AS MUCH IDEAS AS YOU WANT! Happy hunting wolves, and good luck!
We will switch species on the next competition, so everyone can show their stuff. The prize is the same for now...a sweet steam avatar!
Think of the most sickest, wildest and most horrific zombie/specimen you can think of...and write it down. Yes, this weeks competition is all about what roams arround inside our members heads... Think of a beast and describe it in the thread. The most original/well thought out one gets something special. Me (Hemi that is) will design it in a wallpaper design for the clan, for all to download. In other words, ill make your words come to life. You can elaborate your words any way you want offcourse, find pictures of famous movie monsters etc etc BUT...It has to be an original idea! NO COPYCATS! Competition lasts till 07-08-2010 (d/m/y)
Clan Council : Newsletter 19
Posted by Hemi on 2010/7/18 16:40:00 (3555 reads) |
Hello wolves, Time for the news, so here goes.
New Member Lets welcome [WPC] Conorsou to the clan! He can now post his avatar request in the avatar request topic on the forums. You will receive a sweet avatar for these forums and the same one optimised for steam. Upgrades to these avatars can be won with the different competitions this clan helds once a week. Don't forget to change you steam name with the [WPC]tags! We are very happy with the latest traffic this site has received, allot of members have applied this week Keep posting in the forums m8s, and we will have a huge newsletter next week!
New Member Rank Council has deceided to implement a new rank to the site called Video Master. These people will be responsible for recording matches, and making nice/funny movies in-game. We need a youtube channel for this and I would like input of the Video Masters of how to proceed on this matter. A Youtube channel for the Wolf Pack Clan will be a smart idea. Solo is currently away for the week, so changes to the forums will have to wait untill he returns.(we might want to add a sepperate forum for movies). For now keep them in the topics allready made. GanChan, your job is to look into the youtube channel. For that youll recieve your Video Master Avatar update now. MrNolan also applied for the job, and will accompany GanChan once he is accepted as a full member of the clan.
Killing Floor Community Mappack We are testing one of the WPC servers with a new mappack. We suggest members download these and put them in your map directory: C:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\common\killingfloor\Maps
PhotoShop Competition has started! We dont do only games m8's, we shop too! The contest is simple really. Photoshop your face/gob in your favorite movie/game poster/advert! Whats the prize? Your entry will be posted on the front page next newsletter! You can post your entry here :
Posted by Hemi on 2010/7/15 21:32:47 (3006 reads) |
AssH*les and Elbows!!! Peeps, its GO TIME!
Rules :
1. Species : Marine only
2. Time : 20 min game
3. Type : Team Death Match
4. Try to avoid 1 one 1 matches, higher amount of people in a fight shows more skill and honour.
5. Remember...A wolf never hunts alone. ;) So try to team up with other WPC members, this will undoubtfully help to boost your scores.
6. You can post scores as much as you want, but you have to top your previous offcourse. Do not post just to show what you have done this evening. I want this topic to be clean, so we will have a good overview of the scores. POST HERE
7. KILLS are your score...not XP.
Competition lasts till 23-07-2010
Happy hunting wolves, and good luck!
Clan Council : Newsletter 18
Posted by Hemi on 2010/7/12 18:30:00 (3219 reads) |
Hello wolves,
A bit late this week...but Holland had a nerve-wrecking footy match this sunday. So back to reality peeps! New Members Lets welcome [WPC] JingleHell and [WPC] BoldFart to the clan! They can now post their avatar request in the avatar request topic on the forums.
You will receive a sweet avatar for these forums and the same one optimised for steam. Upgrades to these avatars can be won with the different competitions this clan helds once a week. Don't forget to change you steam name with the [WPC] tags!
CompetitionsThis week we are rounding up the Killing Floor Competition and starting a new one. Its time for the members to get hunting with AVP 2010. What are the rules? Get the highest score (kills) in one game of 20 min MP TDM using ONLY MARINE species. 16-07-2010 will be the starting date and the last day is 23-07-2010. Its a challenge, but everyone can join this time...even the PS3 owners. You can post a picture/screenshots of your score(s) (as much as you want) on the forums in a topic the council will post on the 16th. We will switch species on the next competition, so everyone can show their stuff. The prize is the same for now...a sweet steam avatar!
Clan Council : Killing Floor Competition Update
Posted by Hemi on 2010/7/8 8:01:51 (2853 reads) |
Hello Wolves,
We had some problems with the Killing Floor Servers earlier, so we are restarting the competition. Competition will run from : 08-07-2010 to 15-07-2010.
Bring yer GUNS!
Clan Council : Newsletter 17
Posted by Hemi on 2010/7/4 13:55:49 (3237 reads) |
Hello Wolves, First of, congratz to WPC Zeeky for getting the insane score of 252.302 on WPC 01 Killing Floor!
Here's your prize :
Clan Council : Newsletter 16
Posted by Hemi on 2010/6/27 14:00:00 (3426 reads) |
Hello Wolves,
THE RESULTS of the ELECTIONS! Congratulations to all. But there arent any losers in this election. The Council has decided to promote [WPC] Zeeky to Reserve Council Member. So when one of the current council members isnt able to fulfill his/herr duties anymore in the next few months, Zeeky will take over.
Clan Council : Newsletter 15
Posted by Hemi on 2010/6/20 15:00:00 (3592 reads) |
New beginnings require new stuff for the site. From now on well have a member of the month. We will pick a random member and shine a light on him... And give him/her something special. This month :
Clan Council : Council Elections
Posted by Hemi on 2010/6/14 19:10:00 (3216 reads) |
Its election time Wolves!
We lost a few wolves here and there, and the council is in need of some serious members that will pick things up. What does a council member do?
Clan Council : Newsletter 14
Posted by Hemi on 2010/6/6 21:00:00 (3014 reads) |
Hello Wolves, well well...its been a weird couple of weeks. So here goes. 1. Game Additions Aliens versus Predator is the main game of this clan. But...untill we recieve some nice DLC, we got to keep ourselves busy no do we? So....what is the criterium for a WPC game. Its actually simple : 1 :: It has 6 or more active players within the WPC Community. 2 :: It supports dedicated servers. 3 :: It has a theme that can relate to the WPC. (sience fiction / fiction / horror etc) So what is the first addition? ---- HALF LIFE 2 Deathmatch As you can see we've added icons in the header, sothat people will know what we "serve"/play hehe. Are we going to do matches with Half Life? Who knows...if it comes our way, im all for it. 2. New Webmaster
Snooze has been promoted to web-master. She will moderate the forums and spank anyone who miss-behaves.
3. New Member
Welcome LadyBuzz!!! The name says it all, Buzz has now got his entire family on AVP/HL2 lol. Good job!
Thats it for this week. Stay Frosty people and remember...their is always a wolf in the woods!
Clan Council : Weekly Newsletter [13]
Posted by Solo on 2010/5/30 9:55:18 (3697 reads) |
Hello Wolves,
It's a long time since we hadn't got our weekly newsletter. I'm totally sorry about that. The website breakdown and time travel caused many troubles in our organisation.
After 2 weeks now that the site is back, we will have to live with this time gap, and carry on with our story. Well, I suppose this is not such a big deal as in the WPC story, the websie has known many and many "rebirth". So, many thanks for your patience.
Anyway, this finally gives us some break to think about our futur. And that's what I did. First of all, I have noticed a critical drop down of the AvP game activities. Each and every time I log on the server screen, I see a very short list of active game servers. All in all, I would be able to count the actives servers on my fingers. A consequence of this is that our own activity is dropping down too. Not much more serious applications, and generally speaking the game interest is slowly but surely passing by...
What does this mean for us? It's again time for a change, a switch and an adaptation. Many of us do not want to quit the game, which we all know, is part of our history, and our current reactivation. Though, we still need to discover other "online" and "virtual" horizons. We need to find another game where we could carry on with our expansion.
But we need to be organised. So I suggest the following steps:
1. Define game criterias.
- online and/or solo game, - game type (fps or not), - game background (sci-fi, history, present, etc.), - dedicated game servers, - plateforms (pc, WII, console), - 1 or more games, - should this game be already available or not etc.
Please post here what would be in your opinion, the choice criterias...
2. Check for a game that would fit our criterias ;
3. proceed to a vote.
This is now our priority.
And remember, a patient hunter always gets his reward...
[WPC] Solo
Clan Council : Weekly Newsletter [11]
Posted by Solo on 2010/5/16 19:50:00 (3429 reads) |
Hello wolves,
This will be a very short newsletter this week, as the community has know a very awkward event with our lair being down for almost the whole week. And now that it is up again, we seems to have made a jum back in time.
For those who want an explanation, here it is.
In april, our host (the company who manage the website files) has migrated his servers. At that time we didn't noticed it, for a very good reason: our domain name ( was still pointing to the old servers!!!
How come?
The host and the registrar (company who manage the domain name), for historical reasons (remember the website is now in his 8th year of existence), are not the same company! Thus, none were coordinating their informations. So when our host closed his old servers (this week), the website was unavailable. But now our domain name is pointing to the right server, but of course, we have the one month old version of the website.
So anyway, I have asked our host to restore our most recent database and hopefully everything should be ok in the next few days.
Also, if some of our most recent members can't login anymore, it's probably because your account do not existe anymore (back in time effect)...
Ah well, at least we all got a break, for some days.
And remember, there is always a wolf in the woods (at least, when there is a wood - lol)
[WPC] Solo
Clan Council : Weekly Newsletter [9]
Posted by Solo on 2010/4/18 14:28:29 (3754 reads) |
Hello wolves.
Here is your sunday newsletter.
Although, it has been a quiet week due to members vacations, there are still topics to be promoted.
1) Applications
Let's welcome 3 new members to the pack:
Welcome to the pack guys, and enjoy your stay amongst us.
2) Battle leader
As you all know [WPC] Zeek has succeeded his "welcome" challenge in arranging a friendly match (read report here). We didn't get it, but the game was fun and fair, so expect a rematch very soon.
Also [WPC] Zeek is now taking charge officially of Battle leader and is currently trying to arrange a PS3 battle. So PS3 members get in touch with him!
3) Game servers
Our game servers are very popular at the moment. So we suggest you regularly visit them and put our clan banner up! Again many thanks to Buzz and B-2 for all their efforts in keeping them up and enhancing our gaming experience.
Also, if any members is willing to have other games server, get in touch with them so they could arrange something.
4) Hemi Flash game project
Hemi has started a flash game project based on the AvP universe. You can follow his work ont or on our own forums.
Also he has announced his project on AvP Galaxy. So please post your suggestions and support everywhere it is possible.
That's all folks. And remember, there is always a wolf in tha woods.
Clan Council : Weekly Newsletter [8]
Posted by Hemi on 2010/4/11 12:40:00 (3448 reads) |
Hello Wolves, Time for some news, and this time its from good old Hemi, your personal Avatar designer. No new memberships this week. Be aware people, signing up doesnt make you a full member of the clan. You need to show some dedication and add something to this clan. Post on the forums and make yourself known. Use the chatbox for a nice conversation now and then, and youll be a member in no-time. Members get their personalised Avatar posted in the forums... Also we have implemented "Avatar updates" from now on. [WPC] Zeeky allready had his first update and he's getting another today. Congrats m8, you've earned it.
Clan Council : [April Fools Joke] Wolf Pack Clan changes today!
Posted by Solo on 2010/4/1 8:40:00 (4184 reads) |
[April Fools Joke] Ah ah, of course this was the april fool joke.
Quote: Hello wolves,
Since the AvP 2010 release, the clan has been back on tracks. And it's growing nicely.
Although, with time and though, I think we still need some changes. So open your eyes, this is very important:
1. Remove the Long Fangs system
Since Blaze departure, the Long Fangs councile is no more effective. Every week I post a topic in the private forum, and I hardly get replies and proposition from your elected representatives. I even have to decide on myself who can get in, and who can not. Don't get fooled wolves, when you see a different name for the sunday newsletter, it's me and only me each and every time.
Thus, I took the decision, as your clan founder and leader to take over all the decisional process. So, if you want something ask me. And me only.
2. Change website system
After many complains from users and members about this website functionalities and design (mainly due to the incapacity from our designer to do a proper job here), I have decided to switch from Xoops to wordpress. Amongst the change, I'll remove the forums. Seeing how stupide our discussions are, I don't see the point maintaining the forums discussion. I'll just keep the chat box or eventually make it mandatory to have msn.
3. Game change
Due to a large majority of our members to complain about the AvP 2010 game, I have decided we switch to another game. This game will be R.U.S.E.. Some of you may have noticed I was frequently using the Beta version available on Steam. This is really a great game I would like you to download right now (and eventually buy in the next few weeks).
In the same spirit, I would like all our stories howlers to change their stories to include this new background aspects. Aliens can easily be replaced by the axis forces.
I have asked Buzz and B-2 to stop the AvP servers and switch them to R.U.S.E games.
An finally, I have asked Hemi to find some new smilies more related to our new activities.
4. New member ranking system
As per request from many of you, I will install a new member ranking system: something close to the military one. You would get your rank from your game results. There is a powerful board result system in R.U.S.E and we will use it.
Of course, I'll start with the rank of General as it is obvious I'm the clan leader, whatever my game stats could be.
That's all for now, but I'll take time to think about some more changes.
The WPC deserve something better we have here now. You can post your approval here.
You clan leader,
[WPC] General Solo
PS: I'm also thinking about changing the clan name... Dunno yet... Any suggestion?
Clan Council : Long Fangs Newsletter 2010 [6]
Posted by MacCabbe on 2010/3/28 16:41:29 (3850 reads) |
4 new members, a new administrative tool, another chapter of the WPC chronicles, and our fame is building : it's been another great week for the Wolf Pack Clan...
Clan Council : Long Fangs Newsletter 2010 [5]
Posted by Solo on 2010/3/21 17:31:28 (3195 reads) |
Hello wolves, Here is the weekly newsletter from the newly formed clan council. I would like to welcome the new clan representatives : - [WPC] Solo
- [WPC] Buzz
- [WPC] MrShad
- [WPC] Hemi
- [WPC] MacCabbe
Many thanks, wolves, for having voiced your choices in this election. This is important for us. As you may have noticed, [WPC] Webley is not more effectively part of the Clan Council, that is, in fact, he doesn't have the voting power. Although, he still will be part of the discussion as clan founder, and would occasionnaly supply any missing member. Remember all the council members are your reprentatives. That is, if you have any issues, suggestions or misundertood, please, feel free to get in touch with them through the forums, chat box or PM to submit your concerns. Now that the Long Fangs are now back on track, many suggestion have already arisen from the council. We have stressed the following points: Click on readmore...
Clan Council : Long Fangs Elections Results
Posted by Solo on 2010/3/17 16:53:17 (3157 reads) |
Here are the Long Fangs elections results: N. | Candidats | Votes |
1. | [WPC] Solo | 12 | 2. | [WPC] Buzz | 12 | 3. | [WPC] MrShad | 11 | 4. | [WPC] Hemi | 11 | 5. | [WPC] MacCabbe | 11 |
Just for the records, we have got a total of 16 members voting. Thanks to anyone who has played by the rules, and cast their votes. Even though there was no real challenge (5 candidates for 5 seats), it's part of our democratic system. Cheers to all our new Clan Council representatives... and let's get back to serious business now!