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Posted by Hemi on 2010/7/15 21:32:47 (3009 reads)

AssH*les and Elbows!!! Peeps, its GO TIME!

Rules :

1. Species : Marine only

2. Time : 20 min game

3. Type : Team Death Match

4. Try to avoid 1 one 1 matches, higher amount of people in a fight shows more skill and honour.

5. Remember...A wolf never hunts alone. ;) So try to team up with other WPC members, this will undoubtfully help to boost your scores.

6. You can post scores as much as you want, but you have to top your previous offcourse. Do not post just to show what you have done this evening. I want this topic to be clean, so we will have a good overview of the scores. POST HERE

7. KILLS are your score...not XP.

Competition lasts till 23-07-2010

Happy hunting wolves, and good luck!

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