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Clan Council : Weekly Newsletter [7]
Posted by Webley on 2010/4/4 17:00:00 (3727 reads)

This weeks news letter - Click here to read more.

 Welcome one and all for another dose of lovely wolf pack news. Oh its been one helluva long weekend, an Easter weekend and I hope you have all enjoyed it.

The first piece of news I bring is that of the Aprils fools joke titled "[IMPORTANT] Wolf Pack Clan changes today! ". The said changes are complete non-sense brought to you by solos evil mind. In many ways a joke there were many people that didn’t see it and expressed those feelings. My condolences go out to those people who we left disturbed and upset by this news. You'll be happy to know we were laughing our heads off at you behind our screens.

Secondly there has been a new family member introduced to the pack. Yes Husky and his beautiful she-wolf have had a wonderful bouncing baby boy cub, hes scratching the den already and leaving teeth marks in the furniture. We are stil waiting to hear his 1st howl. Baby Leo was just born at 2:52am 2010/4/3 (DC time) weighing 7 pounds and 2 ounces. You can follow the great news here !

Our Moon Howlers Snooze and SilentWolf have added some more stories for you to get lost into the midst of during this past week. As they build up the stories and characters we all wait eagerly to read what happens next!!! [WPC Chronices - Episode Four - A Rude Awakening - By Snooze]
[Acolight Chapter 3 - By SilentWolf]

Now for some hardcore related game stuff - Solo has also changed the display for the WPC member display page – It will now display your gaming handles so other members can contact you – please update your profile information by clicking on the “VIEW ACCOUNT ” button when your logged in. Please add your gaming handles and birth date. [WPC Member Display List]  

In other game related news – Buzz and B-2 is doing a diagnostic set of tests on the servers, so you may only find WPC 1 up and running. There have been issues with Rebellions BETA release of the dedicated server software.

Also it appears Hemi will stop at nothing as he continues to develop 3D animations and projects for the WPC. His current project has taken the next step into a GAME! Yes a GAME! You can follow its progress and my proposal to him
here.  Also another one of his 3D projects here .

That’s not all! Some WPC members are looking to arrange a EURO meeting at the HQ of evil planning…. Solos place in Belgium! As some of us have been in touch for 8 years this is a necessary event that should definitely take place. There is no fixed dates yet, but please push this topic through with your thoughts and when you will most likely be able to attend!

[WPC Meets Up!]
Ok.. Lets see… What else…. I think that’s it…. No wait…. I think we have a new member? Oh man… Not this guy…. Don’t tell me the Long Fangs voted for him…. Gah….. Hehe…..Welcome to our newest member [WPC] Zeeky!!!

And if you are an applicant who hasnt made it this week, please do keep trying!

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Author Thread
Published: 2010/4/4 18:55  Updated: 2010/4/4 18:55
Pack Member
Joined: 2010/3/27
From: Newcastle, England
Comments: 1567
 Re: Weekly Newsletter [7]
Haha Webley Hopefully your teasing talents can be used to a more constructive use in the future.

Thank you to all of the Long Fangs i'll try and do you proud
Published: 2010/4/4 19:01  Updated: 2010/4/4 19:01
Old Grey
Joined: 2009/5/21
From: Belgium
Comments: 1020
 Re: Weekly Newsletter [7]
Welcome Zeek!

Log out and log in to access private forums.

Published: 2010/4/4 20:27  Updated: 2010/4/4 20:27
Lair Keeper
Joined: 2009/5/23
From: New York NY
Comments: 2728
 Re: Weekly Newsletter [7]
noooo not that guy.grrrrrrrrr

kidding m8!! WELCOME TO THE CLAN.

Fantastic letter webley

Published: 2010/4/4 20:35  Updated: 2010/4/4 20:35
Pack Member
Joined: 2010/3/27
From: Newcastle, England
Comments: 1567
 Re: Weekly Newsletter [7]
You better be... infact i wont mess with you and your Grrr kodiak bear'ness
Published: 2010/4/4 21:30  Updated: 2010/4/4 21:30
Lair Keeper
Joined: 2009/5/23
From: New York NY
Comments: 2728
 Re: Weekly Newsletter [7] worries m8..

I VOTED FOR YA.........
Published: 2010/4/12 23:53  Updated: 2010/4/12 23:53
Joined: 2010/4/9
From: Newcastle
Comments: 6
 Re: Weekly Newsletter [7]
haha great act like zeeky said it should help you in the furture
Published: 2010/6/30 22:35  Updated: 2010/6/30 22:35
Pack Member
Joined: 2010/3/27
From: Newcastle, England
Comments: 1567
 Re: Weekly Newsletter [7]
Best damn thing that happened to you guys in this newsletter Feels like yesterday!