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Clan Council : Long Fangs Newsletter 2010 [5]
Posted by Solo on 2010/3/21 17:31:28 (3196 reads)
Clan Council

Hello wolves,

Here is the weekly newsletter from the newly formed clan council.

I would like to welcome the new clan representatives :

  • [WPC] Solo
  • [WPC] Buzz
  • [WPC] MrShad
  • [WPC] Hemi
  • [WPC] MacCabbe

Many thanks, wolves, for having voiced your choices in this election. This is important for us.

As you may have noticed, [WPC] Webley is not more effectively part of the Clan Council, that is, in fact, he doesn't have the voting power. Although, he still will be part of the discussion as clan founder, and would occasionnaly supply any missing member.

Remember all the council members are your reprentatives. That is, if you have any issues, suggestions or misundertood, please, feel free to get in touch with them through the forums, chat box or PM to submit your concerns.

Now that the Long Fangs are now back on track, many suggestion have already arisen from the council. We have stressed the following points:

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1) Recruitment

This is of course, the biggest priority, as we need motivated members for our various activities. As you know, [WPC] Tic is in charge of the rectuitment process, welcoming, guiding and reporting to the Long Fangs the newly applicants. As you know, being members of doesn't only means being a kickass online player, but also a member of a community, sharing knowledges, fun stuffs, and his passion for each and everyt topics we like here.

To help our newcomers discover all sides of our activities, we have settled a quizz up. This quizz reflect large aspect of our community. But don't worry, any questions can found a reply on this website. The object of this quizz not being to score the best results, but to push all applicants to discover all the aspects of the WPC. You can find the WPC Quizz here.

2) New members

Talking about recruitment, I would like to welcome two new wolves in the pack:

  • [WPC] Hammer2fall
  • [WPC] Dusty4life

Welcome to our new membes. For those who are not in this week, be patient, more active online and on our forums, and you will be in, in no time. Also, if you need more informations about your application, do not hesitate to report to [WPC] Tic.

3) Stories howler

As statedt above, the Wolf Pack Clan doesn't only stress his activities on games, but also anything related to the games univers. We are really happy to see stories howlers arising from the pack with fan fictions. If you are new here, head out to the following:

4) Clan competition

Of course, we are a gaming clan, and thus, we like to measure our gaming skills to fellow teams. That's the reason why we are still looking for "Battle leaders", that is members willing to get in charge of matches organisations. This is a very rewarding job as you get in touch with other clans, manage competitions and fix your teams. If you are interested, get in touch right now with any Long Fangs. As you know [WPC] Buzz has his server ready for that kind of arrangement.

5) New profile form

The website team is permanently improving our lair to reflect our activities at his best. As you may have noticed a new profile form has been settled up. It may not be totally over by now, but we think this would propose more adequat informations for our members.

Click now on View Account and edit your profile with all your game ID. This is important if you want to share your online experience with your friends.

Not that generally speaking, our website may know some tweaking in the nect few week, as we are trying to respond to users and members suggestions.

That's all for the week.

And remember, there is always a wolf in the woods.

[WPC] Solo

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Author Thread
Published: 2010/3/21 21:08  Updated: 2010/3/21 21:08
Lair Keeper
Joined: 2009/5/23
From: New York NY
Comments: 2728
 Re: Long Fangs Newsletter 2010 [5]
I am Honored to be a part of the wolfpackclan Council!

Thanks for all the voters.....I will do my duties to the best of my power.