Hello wolves, Time for the news, so here goes.
New Member Lets welcome [WPC] Conorsou to the clan! He can now post his avatar request in the avatar request topic on the forums. You will receive a sweet avatar for these forums and the same one optimised for steam. Upgrades to these avatars can be won with the different competitions this clan helds once a week. Don't forget to change you steam name with the [WPC]tags! We are very happy with the latest traffic this site has received, allot of members have applied this week Keep posting in the forums m8s, and we will have a huge newsletter next week!
New Member Rank Council has deceided to implement a new rank to the site called Video Master. These people will be responsible for recording matches, and making nice/funny movies in-game. We need a youtube channel for this and I would like input of the Video Masters of how to proceed on this matter. A Youtube channel for the Wolf Pack Clan will be a smart idea. Solo is currently away for the week, so changes to the forums will have to wait untill he returns.(we might want to add a sepperate forum for movies). For now keep them in the topics allready made. GanChan, your job is to look into the youtube channel. For that youll recieve your Video Master Avatar update now. MrNolan also applied for the job, and will accompany GanChan once he is accepted as a full member of the clan.
Killing Floor Community Mappack We are testing one of the WPC servers with a new mappack. We suggest members download these and put them in your map directory: C:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\common\killingfloor\Maps
PhotoShop Competition has started! We dont do only games m8's, we shop too! The contest is simple really. Photoshop your face/gob in your favorite movie/game poster/advert! Whats the prize? Your entry will be posted on the front page next newsletter! You can post your entry here :
Bad news for AVP console members...This news was found through steam : SEGA has officially cut support for Rebellion's Aliens vs. Predator on the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 with no patches or updates planned for release, according to a forumpost by SEGA assistant community manager "Clumsyorchid". Clumsyorchid explains that "patches for the console versions of AVP... have sadly been scrapped," though there is no new information on "PC patches and would not assume there will be any changes unless stated otherwise." Seven updates have been published for the PC version through Steam, including a day-one patch. Within the patches are numerous balance changes, fixes, and updates, none of which will make it to the console versions of the game. Aliens vs. Predator recently received a DLC map pack, it's second, across all three platforms. It is unclear if further DLC is in development or if this signals the end of Rebellion's work on the project entirely, given that the PC patches have already been released. Shacknews has contacted SEGA for further clarification on the matter and will update you with any response. Its unfortunate indeed....Our members have been complaning on getting a decent ranked match, and with the new DLC released they had some hope they would finally get their updates. Its too bad. ):
Monthly Newsletter The council wants to put some of the activities of the clan in the spotlight with a Monthly Newsletter. This newsletter will go beyond the site and will be posted to all the members/old members. We need you guys to fill it with content. It could be the maps of Xeno or the videos of Gan and Nolan. Its you input that counts! What do you guys think is important. Here is the template of the newletter wich we will use (subject to change offcourse) :
You can post your ideas / text on the forums :
Thats it, and remember...theres always a wolf in the woods.