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[WPC] Chronicles : Episode two : A potential danger
[WPC] Chronicles : Episode two : A potential danger

 The Wolfpack marched allong, they were headed back to the compound. Corporal Webley walked up front, they had been out all day and now it was starting to get dark. Time had past slowly these past few weeks as there had not been any missions to go on. The team was getting uneasy and so Webley had decided to wear them out on a trainingday. Mission succeeded, they arrived at the base exhausted but fulfilled.

Webley activated the com system, "Solo, we're back, open up". 

"Yeah Solo let us in we're starving!" yelled Weeperr from the back. The others laughed at Weeperrs constant hunger. The doors opened and they made their way thrue the corridors to the messhall. The pack settled in the usual places, some crowded around the table, a few sought a quieter place. Solo walked into the room. Being a synthetic there had been no need for him to join the crew in exercise that day. The pack jokingly called him Solo 2.0, as he had been replaced after an unfortunate grenade accident. He joined Webley at the table and they talked about several technical issues he had been working on while they had been gone. After a while they fell silent listening to the pack chatter away above their meals.

 The doors opened and in came Sergeant Shadow. "Gentleman!" his voice bellowed thrue the room.   "Ahum...." a different voice sounded. "Excuse me..., and ladies offcourse." Shadow continued a little annoyed at the interruption. 'You will be pleased to hear we are leaving the compound tomorrow and heading out to Hades IV where our services are needed.' His strong voice had a way of keeping people's attention, even Weeperr had put down his knife and fork and was listening intetively. 

" We will be leaving at 0700 hours. You will be briefed about the mission on arrival. I expect all of you to be on your best game! Enjoy the rest of your meals Marines." He turned to Webley and gestured him to follow him. As they walked away from the room they could hear the excitement in the Marines voices about the new mission. 

 They entered Sergeant Shadows office. 

"I need your honest judgement Corporal."

   "Offcourse Sergeant, what's this about?"

"This mission you're going on could be dangerous. I know you and your crew can handle yourself out there, but there have been reports about one of your men and I have to know this wont effect the mission in any way."

   "Are you referring to McCabbe sir?"

"Yes I am. I understand there was an issue with him again on the last mission."

  "McCabbe will keep in line sir, I will make sure of that."  

"If you are sure about this I trust you Webley, you haven't dissapointed me yet. But if this thing with McCabbe gets out of hand there will be consequences."

  "I will take care of it sir."

"Good, good luck out there Webley."

They shook hands and Webley left the room. He didn't return to the others immediately, he had some thinking to do. Not only would this mission be dangerous to begin with, but one of his men was a potential danger of his own . He had to find a way to get thrue to him. If not, things could go horribly wrong...

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