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[WPC] Chronicles : Episode four : A Rude Awakening
[WPC] Chronicles : Episode four : A Rude Awakening

 Five days into the journey to Hades IV. Another five to go. The ship was well on its way. Solo, being a synthetic, was the only thing moving inside. He finished the necessary control sequences the ship required, and sat to check the results. Everything was working as it was supposed to. He stayed in his seat for a moment and stared into the dark space surrounding the ship. He enjoyed the quiet moments on the ship.


After a couple of minutes, he started his daily patrol of the ship. He walked through the corridors and stopped at all the very same places he did the day before. Finally he stepped into the hypersleep capsule chamber. He turned on the lights and waited a moment for his sensors to adjust to the light. The capsules were lined up in rows of five that he passed. While checking them out he glanced to the packmembers laying like serene statues. Well, some did. Dusty just looked like he was recovering from a night of heavy drinking, Solo thought to himself. 


He moved over to the next row, but suddenly stopped dead in his tracks. In the capsule before him was MacCabbe, his eyed wide open! This was impossible in hypersleep and Solo deactivated the sequence immediately. MacCabbe stayed as quiet as he had seemed from the outside. This wasn't normal. Solo had to get him into the medical bay at once. 


He arrived at the medical bay with Mac strapped to the stretcher. After tapping some blood from his arm he covered him up with a blanket while waiting for the results of the bloodtesting. He sat facing the screen, evaluating his sleep pattern of the last days. 

'Can't...' The sound came from the stretcher. Solo turned towards him. 'Mac, you're in the medical bay. Just relax.' 

'Can't see...' 

'You can't see?' He shone a light in his eyes, and pupils responded normally. MacCabbe started shaking. 

'I can't see it!' Sweat covered his bald head, the monitor he was hooked up to showed a fever of a 102. Solo returned to his desk and looked at the blood results. From what he could read, Mac was on some kind of drug. He would need further testing to determine which exact one.


'Mac, you're rambling.' He was shaking all over... If not for the restraints he would have fallen off the stretcher. 


'You're not in the jungle Mac, you are in the medical bay of the Epsilon.' He gave him a shot to not only bring down the fever, but also to calm him down. Suddenly all his muscles tightened and he tried to sit up straight. His eyes were tainted with blood and he was drooling : 'I CAN'T SEE THE EVIL!!' he shouted at the top of his lungs, followed by more rambling noises. Solo gave him a small dose of Haldol to shut him for good. After a minute or so, his body relaxed and he calmed down. Eventually he dosed off. 


Solo was back in the cockpit, MacCabbe wasn't waking up anytime soon. This had to be reported. He started writing the events of the day in his transmission to Sergeant Shadow. "Unknown illegal substance found in blood", "Psychotic episodes", "Unfit to perform in mission". 

After sending his report he stayed in his seat and looked at the neverending black space again. He would have to wake some people out of there hypersleep to assist him with the situation. But not just yet, he was going to enjoy the silence for just a moment longer... 

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