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[WPC] Chronicles : Episode eleven : Close to perfection
[WPC] Chronicles : Episode eleven : Close to perfection


For hours now he had been driving through this bothersome mist. From the moment the sensors had picked up activity outside the base, he had aborted his project and taken off to the observatory miles away from it. 


The whole project had been slipping a couple of weeks ago. After all that research, this project was not going as planned. Beside the technical problems, his staff had become suspicious and he was not able to trust them anymore. But he had taken control of the situation, and turned it all around. Just as he was making such great progress, the last remaining crew must have betrayed him and sent out a distress signal. But no help could save them now.


He had started researching the creature years ago. There wasn't much data on it, for governments were still trying to disguise its existance. After collecting all the tiniest mentions and obscure information he could find, his plan had started growing. The fascination he harboured for the creature kept growing, as he dreamed of one day being able to understand everything there was to know about it. He picked up a transmission one day, that led him to the planet Hades IV. That was their home, it would be there that his dreams of analyzing his beloved Xeno would be made true. 


After going through all that trouble of capturing them, he could not figure out why they were not procreating. He grew more frustrated every day. The queen produced the eggs, but nothing was happening. His crew was kept in the dark about most of his plans, therefor unable to help or understand him. They became restless. And then it happened, one of them was working in the basement where the queen was resident. He had watched as the egg had opened and something jumped onto the crewmembers face. Excited about this developement, but anxious to keep it from the others, he had transfered the body to a private rooms upstairs. It was the answer to all his prairs, slowly other crewmembers had started dissapearing...


So close to perfection, he was forced to leave his life's work behind. But he would find a way to finish his work.This time they would not laugh at his work, this will show them all to take Dr.X.Mus serious as one of the worlds greatest scientist. A smile formed across his face, as his hide out came into sight.


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