Ok here goes, trying to keep this simple :
Phase 00 is the old avatars, with mostly white sillouettes :

Phase 01 is the current designs, some of you allready have them :

Phase 02 are the ones from GanChan and Zeek :

Phase 03 is undifined cous no one has won 3 competitions / or has contributed for the clan in a big way (though one of you is very very close)
Phase 04 are the council avatars with the golden BG and the special final update for you hardcore gamers out there. (winning more then 2 competitions)

You can boost from 00 to 02 by winning competitions. (if the prize is an avatar update) The White silouette ones will not be made again, and im only publishing Phase 01 from now on. If you contribute to the clan you also get an update. For instance, if you do a good job in beeing a respected Videomaster you will get an update. If you create maps for WPC members to play with like Xeno you will get an update.
This hopefully will slowly boost the avatars into a next gen. And it doesnt take allot of work to get them. Council deceides which member gets the
community contribution reward avatar (CCRA in short lol), just like the council decides which member is
member of the month.
Avatars requested by new members can be done in this post :
Request an avatarThe banner and BG are set, but the figure inside can be whatever you want. For example :

Serveradmins / Videomasters / Moonhowlers get a special title under their avatar.
All avatars have a steam version like this :

"Resume your disorder..."