When posting an application please leave your details such as:
Your name....
Why do you want to join?
How did you hear about us?
How do you think you could contribute? (optional)
What games do you play?
Whats your favourite setup? (in the said game) (optional)
Been in any clans before? (optional)
What platform/s do you play on? (PC? XBOX? PS3?)
Whats your platform/s game name? (i.e. PS3/xbox/steam player name)TIP - good way to get started - post some of your fav jokes in the trashcan forum and get involved with our members
Posting funny rubbish on the forums scores top marks with us! gaming is a mere by-product of our community and clan
Making pictures, writing stories, we love that kind of creativity even more!
Add us to your contacts in-game and post your in-game ID hereWelcome and we wish you the best of luck.
After you have posted this application form, one of our recruitment officers will get in contact with you. This might take a day or two, so dont despair, and by any means dont post another application thread.
Some info of our clan.The Wolf Pack Clan was formed in Jan 2002 by Solo.
This is a pretty open clan with loose regulations on recruiting, we simply want to get to know you - people here are pretty much considered members through their actions within the community and not their skills, so if you dont try and mix in you prolly wont get much of a response from us but if you do your acknowledged as not just a member, but a friend.
Some people have been members here for 8 years, and I can truly say these people have become each others friends, not just some shoddy clan member of one another - this has been a recipe for success (yep, we won the AvP2 Clan Wars based on this principle - not all this tough skills ranking rubbish, we do a bit o' trainin' then off to have some fun).
There people who just come on the site to contribute and dont even play the games! And you know who you are - but they are some of the most valued members the clan will ever have - it keeps the rest of us happy and works well - designers, web developers, community admins etc. Be what you want to be here!
At the moment we aren't gearing towards any tournaments currently - but that doesnt mean we dont do them or teach our tricks to one another in games, if one wolf wants to do something the others usually follow - and thats how we roll baby
There is a democratic system in place RE: guild masters - these are given the title "Long Fang".
Every couple of months a poll is held for certain members to be voted in (if the guild feel for rotation) and the winners get the duty to be a guild council member until the next election - this way everyone gets a go at leading the clan in a way which they think is best! This keeps leadership fresh and forever changing without guild fallouts/disputes and lots of other sillyness (disclaimer: new council members are baby sitted by a founder)
You dont have to opt to be a democratic council person, you can just sit back if you like, its simply there because it is and people like it there.
Good ideas usually stick and we continue to improve. Obviously being a friend will get you thus far, you cant just sign up and expect to get elected! For the time your in power you'll have certain rights on the site to post news and other things etc. If your good at what you do youll prolly keep those rights even if not a long fang and people will love you for being so awesome sauce.
If you want to go to an elitist clan and be some sort of nuke toting general then your in the wrong place - but be warned - we are pretty kick ass at playing the games we like and we have bloody fun doing it the way we do.
The average age in the guild is like 50years old cus we have some right grandads in here - (lol jus kidding guys dont linch me!), but we are a mature group of friends but welcome all ages.
As you can see humour plays a big part as well. We all hope its funny without getting out of hand, i am merely testing the boundaries in this recruitment post :)
Hell, we even have an artistic amount of members who we keep locked up in a dark room making avatars for all of you - (like mine shown) if thats not an incentive then what is?
get involved.
please take some time to read the "about us" interview
http://www.wolfpackclan.com/modules/edito/content.php?page=1&id=4Code Of ConductJob titles and Ranks/Members guideThe joining process (loose explanation)Just activity really - you dont have to be really active, to the point where you loose weight as a result of not getting off the computer for food and water - we simply want more members of the community.
Couple of ways you can do this…
If your not really an active gamer - just keep dropping by on the site or find a member to play with when you are online
hell, even posting funny rubbish on the forums scores top marks with us! gaming is a mere by-product of our community and clanmaking pictures, writing stories, we love that kind of creativity even more!
But if your just here to play a game - thats fine by us
If you are an active gamer, I am sure we will be seeing plenty of you, and once we are satisfied with your manner and conduct im sure youll get your badge, obviously we need to get to know you before we can allow you to represent us - but there is no specific rules in how we do that as everyone is different and play at different times etc etc - so just keep at it - it doesn’t usually take too long before we find out if your a flame trolling noob or a good guy
If after a month or two you dont come back or keep trying to keep at it with us - we will assume you gave up and wanted to go somewhere else
this clan isnt for everybody, some people want rules and regulations - but we are to open for that im afraid! (disclaimer – to a certain extent)
good way to get started - post some of your fav jokes in the trashcan forum
Code Of ConductJob titles and Ranks/Members guideIf you have any questions, feel free to post them
hereWritten by
[WPC] Webley

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