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Posted on: 2020/3/11 23:35

Joined: 2010/2/17
From: Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Posts: 194
Just passing by.
I was losing myself clicking from YouTube video one after another...on my last click,I found one showcasing a quad-barreled shotgun in KillingFloor2.

Then something I had forgotten a long time ago went back in my head.

"Man I had some serious fun back then with the guys and gals at WPC, playing KF and spending night just chatting in the chat box." I told myself.

"Wonders if the site is still up... probably not"

And to my surprise, I was greeted by the same old Clan banner even after all those years. What a time it was... 10 years ago... Back then, You guys kept me up and smile during hard time. I was going to College in a town I didn't knew for something I didn't like. Had pretty much no friend there and was lonely as fuck. Gaming with all of ya kept me sane ;)

So yeah. The forum are still up but man its quite barren. Nobody seems to be active much but thats ok... Whats important is what we lived together and what we remember. I just wanted to shout-out to Buzz keeping the forum alive and to who-ever remember me.

Here's a bonus for nostalgia. An old (And Cringy) Video from 2010 I unlisted but still kept.

Click to see original Image in a new window

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[PUBLIC] General Chit Chat Just passing by. 0 11483 2020/3/11 23:35 Weeperr
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