As you can see I did allot of these...and allot of people don't use them anymore. To prevent this from happening we hold special avatar weekends that are announced by me, Hemi. I choose a game, and people can reply if they want an avatar with this game theme. This way it will be fun for me to do and you will get a pretty avatar, end of story.
Sometimes, when I feel generous, I will create one for you outside the weekends. These are usually with the WPC template.
DO NOT FEEL CREATIVE AND MAKE ONE YOURSELF. The avatar is a representation of the clan to the outside world, and as Blood Howler, I make sure our identity is preserved! Be patient and respect our corp. identity.
Ok peeps. Ive been making these for a while here's a complete overview of the one's ive made :
I dont know m8, as i dont have the demo yet damn internet. Most likely a pred, but we got alot of preddy ones amd im non conformist so could i have a alien plz? :lol:
dunno, do we really want signatures? The way it looks is pretty clean. Less is more I always say. Its really up to Solo/Blaze. If it were up to me I would say no to signatures. (it also effects loading times of the forum pages...not by much...but a bit anyways)