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     [Announcement] Membership List Clean Up
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Posted on: 2014/5/26 12:30

Joined: 2011/5/25
From: SouthWest UK
Posts: 2393
[Announcement] Membership List Clean Up
Good day folks. Just posting this so you are aware of what's happening.

This council has decided that our membership list was in need of a clean up so that effect the following has been actioned.

#1 - An email has been sent out to all members registered to our website reminding them that we are still here.

#2 - A grace period of several weeks was given to allow them to log back onto the website.

#3 - Any member having not logged on since 2012 or before has been removed from the membership list.

The reasoning behind this in short is that we have 174 'members' where is in truth we have about 40 active members. Some have gone off to do other things, some have simply moved on. To which we wish them the best.

What does this mean to those who are no longer a member? Well currently they will no longer be able to access WPC discussions. This doesn't mean they are no longer a wolf though. As we like to say "Once a wolf always a wolf." If they log back on they can ask to become a member again and we'll reinstate their rank.


Posted on: 2014/5/26 19:25

Joined: 2010/7/29
From: Pula, Croatia/Hrvatska
Posts: 1636
Re: [Announcement] Membership List Clean Up
I approve this.


Posted on: 2014/5/27 6:27

Joined: 2011/3/6
From: Melboure, Australia
Posts: 438
Re: [Announcement] Membership List Clean Up
This got me thinking. I've never been the most active of members, I did have a spell where I would join TS daily, but I was never the most active in conversations either. Between issues with Ping, TimeZones and recently study, I've always struggled to be as active a member as I would have liked to have been.

So I have decided that I would like to be included in the Clean Up. I'm gonna hang up my tags and avatar, and allow Member number 39 to be reassigned.

To the members that know me, don't worry, I'll still look at the forums and post in the public sections every once in a while. You've all been great, friendly people, and a great group overall for the duration of my 3 short years. I just wish I could've been more involved

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Posted on: 2014/5/27 6:39

Joined: 2010/2/19
From: the Netherlands
Posts: 2442
Re: [Announcement] Membership List Clean Up
Dude, you 're more active than a lot of people. Dont leave because of that, only leave if you dont want to be a part of us anymore.

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Posted on: 2014/5/27 6:50

Joined: 2011/3/6
From: Melboure, Australia
Posts: 438
Re: [Announcement] Membership List Clean Up
I'm not leaving per se, merely retiring my tags, I've never been the most active as I feel a member should be. For example, the last time I managed to join TS when there were people on it, talking was way back in March, since for me to join when you guys are talking, I'd have to join at 5am here... And whilst joining you guys for ACM and AVP was fun, there were the same timing issues, plus a ping of around 350 to deal with.

Maybe I don't need to be removed from the Wolf ranking, but outside of the forums I can't do much, with the rest of you guys.

I've found a local group that I play games and chat with now, so keeping my tags just feels weird.

I'll still stay on the forums, just within the Public domain, since that's where I've almost always posted in.

Besides, Once a Wolf, Always a Wolf

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Posted on: 2014/5/30 1:16

Joined: 2011/3/16
From: Louisiana
Posts: 87
Re: [Announcement] Membership List Clean Up
Never got a email but I'm here :)and playing as many games as ever.
Posted on: 2014/5/31 19:08

Joined: 2010/11/3
From: New York
Posts: 402
Re: [Announcement] Membership List Clean Up
Im here and always will be here,plus i can't seem to not come to the forums everyday..we crazy members always have something up our sleeves or fur

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