I'm not leaving per se, merely retiring my tags, I've never been the most active as I feel a member should be. For example, the last time I managed to join TS when there were people on it, talking was way back in March, since for me to join when you guys are talking, I'd have to join at 5am here... And whilst joining you guys for ACM and AVP was fun, there were the same timing issues, plus a ping of around 350 to deal with.
Maybe I don't need to be removed from the Wolf ranking, but outside of the forums I can't do much, with the rest of you guys.
I've found a local group that I play games and chat with now, so keeping my tags just feels weird.
I'll still stay on the forums, just within the Public domain, since that's where I've almost always posted in.
Besides, Once a Wolf, Always a Wolf