Hey guys,
I know this is still over a year away from release but today Star Citizen have released there organisation hub.
So I grabbed us:-
https://robertsspaceindustries.com/orgs/WPC/There some stuff that can be changed such as:-
Main Settings(bold is what it is set it to at the moment)
Archetype -
Organization, Corporation, PMC, Faith, Syndicate.
Primary and secondary activity - Bounty hunting, Engineering,
Exploration, Freelancing, Infiltration, Piracy, Resources, Scouting, Security, Smuggling,
Social, Trading, Transport.
Commitment -
Casual, Regular, Hardcore.
Role Play -
No, Yes
BrandingContentIntroduction (main page).
History (self explanatory).
Manifesto (self explanatory).
Charter (self explanatory).
Cover (a image for the home page).
Youtube Video.
AppearanceTheme (option of changing between other archetypes themes).
Banner (dimensions 1140x380).
Background (dimensions 1366 x 768).
Logo (dimensions 175 x 175).
Icon (dimensions 24 x 24)
RecruitmentRecruiting - No,
YesIntroductory Text.