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Snooze |
Posted on: 2010/5/21 22:16 |
Joined: 2010/2/19
From: the Netherlands
Posts: 2442
Funniest chatbox moments!!
Ok, since the last topic was deleted (**^@#$!*% host!!). I'm starting a new one! Quote: 21/05 23:12 Webley : sorry to sound un caring - i really need a poo - hoding it for 5 mins now 21/05 23:12 Webley : the bastard is touching my pants 21/05 23:12 Webley : hes ready 21/05 23:12 Snooze : LOL 21/05 23:12 Webley : im going to teach him how to swim 21/05 23:12 Webley : be right back 21/05 23:12 Hemi : hey m8 21/05 23:13 Webley : hemi!! 21/05 23:13 Webley : wait here a sec, brb 21/05 23:13 Webley : im a quick shitter 21/05 23:13 Hemi : lol 21/05 23:13 Webley : need to talk to you... afk 21/05 23:18 Webley : back 21/05 23:18 Webley : you there? 21/05 23:18 Snooze : i am! 21/05 23:18 Webley : my bum was just sick just then 21/05 23:18 Hemi : ug....not another webdesign thingy right? 21/05 23:18 Hemi : or did you poop it out?
Xmus |
Posted on: 2010/5/21 23:55 |
Joined: 2010/1/16
From: Copenhagen
Posts: 51
Re: Funniest chatbox moments!!
Lol web! 5 minutes, thats a pretty good time!
MacCabbe |
Posted on: 2010/5/27 13:58 |
Joined: 2010/2/24
From: Paris
Posts: 251
Re: Funniest chatbox moments!!
27/05 14:56 MacCabbe : quinta, in english, privates = testicles 27/05 14:57 MacCabbe : so when you write "webley crouched behing the young privates", it sounds horribly wrong
Solo |
Posted on: 2010/5/27 18:07 |
Joined: 2009/5/21
From: Belgium
Posts: 1020
Re: Funniest chatbox moments!!
Well, in the other hand, I wouldn't be totally surprised... lol ----------------
Snooze |
Posted on: 2010/5/28 20:36 |
Joined: 2010/2/19
From: the Netherlands
Posts: 2442
Re: Funniest chatbox moments!!
Quote: 28/05 21:34 ThomasDean28 : sorry im back, damn stupid family, wont leave me alone, bloomin invalids  ----------------
LordDean |
Posted on: 2010/5/28 21:42 |
Joined: 2010/4/9
From: Essex, England
Posts: 1636
Re: Funniest chatbox moments!!
:D tis true tho!
Alpha_Cephei |
Posted on: 2010/5/28 21:53 |
Joined: 2010/5/26
From: Northern Ireland
Posts: 1304
Re: Funniest chatbox moments!!
Invalids LMAO!!!
I have not heard that word in a long time^^
I will prepare now to use that in work........alot^^
LordDean |
Posted on: 2010/6/2 11:26 |
Joined: 2010/4/9
From: Essex, England
Posts: 1636
Re: Funniest chatbox moments!!
Glad i could be of assistance
Alpha_Cephei |
Posted on: 2010/6/3 23:29 |
Joined: 2010/5/26
From: Northern Ireland
Posts: 1304
Re: Funniest chatbox moments!!
Virtual High Five***
Said in work a few days ago, and got such a reaction. It has been a long while since anyone has used such an awesome word. Shame it was forgotten^^
What I have brought back is the word "Wab" aka dickhead, invalid (hehe), spaz, complete and utter stupid cunt. In other words, whatever or whoever you want to call someone with the utmost stupidity, you call them a "Wab".
I will guarantee once you start using it, you will not stop, everyone in your world will become a "wab"
*disclaimer, may or may not cause violent reactions when using this word, caution is advised*
DJ_WooDy |
Posted on: 2010/6/12 19:24 |
Joined: 2010/4/3
From: Bakersfield, California
Posts: 1368
Re: Funniest chatbox moments!!
Quote: 12/06 11:16 Alpha_Cephei : it is just one driver tho in those races? or is their a team? 12/06 11:16 Alpha_Cephei : there* 12/06 11:16 DJ_WooDy : I thought it was 1, could be 2 12/06 11:17 DJ_WooDy : I cant imagine them feeding them crack before they go on the track 12/06 11:18 Alpha_Cephei : they must shit bags on to, lol. that would not be fun, takin a shit while takin a corner lol 12/06 11:18 DJ_WooDy : lol 12/06 11:18 DJ_WooDy : the g-force handles all of didnt know that? 12/06 11:19 Alpha_Cephei : wat it just slips out lol? 12/06 11:19 DJ_WooDy : its like playing mario kart for reals.....instead of a turtle shell out the get the point 12/06 11:19 Alpha_Cephei : really? they shit on the track? 12/06 11:20 DJ_WooDy : number 1 reason why people crash.....the other driver had banana's for breakfast 12/06 11:21 Alpha_Cephei : hahaha omg imagine spinning off cause you hit a brown one lmao. that takes tactics to a whole new level, plant one on a chicane lmao ---------------- Signature in Alpha Stage. Updated when I update, at a low cost <3