*Edit - Updated 8/9/13*Some of you may have noticed the server list to the side of our website and some may have even made use of it. For those not in the know the service is provided by a website called GameTracker. These guys track servers and usage stats. Players, admins and clans can set up profiles to track overall progress and find servers. We've had a clan page and the rest so maybe it might be worth setting up profiles and making full use of the page. ;)
In the mean time here is a list of our current servers.



Battlefield 3

That is... a quite a few bloody servers aye chaps?
There is also a NS2 server but GameTracker isn't set up for them yet. Here's hoping they do. Although they still have not done AvP ones.
And Clan page.

There are a couple of extra servers that crop up from time to time. These are our staple permanent servers.