Member ConductBe graceful when winning / loosing - always show your opponent respect - if you can not do this, leave the game.
Most importantly, have fun and dont take the game to seriously!
Hacking/exploits or any other 3rd party aid will result in instant BAN!
No griefing/ruining fun for other players in any server is accepted
Banter is accepted, please always respect the un-written boundaries regarding swearing and getting carried away.
The playful and friendly exchange of teasing remarks.
Couldn't be any clearer. Banter does not and will not ever cover any personal attacks. 'Your mama' jokes are NOT banter, neither is calling someone gay, faggot, jew, nigger or any other derogatory remark.
Posting funny rubbish on the forums scores top marks with us! gaming is a mere by-product of our community and clan.
We are all equals here, no matter what job, rank or length you have been a member, please show other members (And outsiders!) the same respect as you would a family member. We are a family.
Banning Conditions ExplainedApplies across all platforms (Forums/Servers/TS/Chat/PM/Email)
- Has the member shown abuse (racial, sexual etc etc)towards members which was out of line?(automatic BAN no warning)
- Has there been more than 1 cases of a separate instance? - i.e. the member has not commited the same offence twice, but has commited a new offence? Do more than half of the council agree? (50/50 of council is a no) (yes is an automatic BAN no warning)
- Does the member threaten, harass or display bad conduct towards other players in gameplay or in chat and been warned once before? (yes is an automatic BAN no warning)
- Has the member been warned twice before of another lesser misconduct? (yes is an automatic BAN no warning)
- Is the player using hacks or exploits outside the boundaries of testing and intentionally doing it to upset other players or gain an advantage? (yes is an automatic BAN no warning)
- Has the member been warned of disturbing the peace twice before? (yes is an automatic BAN no warning)
*Disturbing the peace is vital in how we all operate and co-exist. The member conduct is to treat each other as equals and as family. The council and other members are here to help. You should also be here to do the same. If you have any issues relating to a member, the clan, or council you should approach it in a respectable manner which is constructive whilst keeping positive. You should also be willing to help the matter along as people try to answer your concerns. You are only accused of disturbing the peace when you have issues in which the way things are done but have no intentions of resolving, explaining or assisting the clan constructively and without respect - Treat those how you wish to be treated please
We are a democracy, but to much politics is not really fun. We rather be a happy family with you all Alternatively you can email*

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