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[WPC] Wolf Pack Clan Forum Index
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     The Scoring Sheet followed by the Council
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Posted on: 2012/8/5 8:43

Joined: 2009/12/14
From: UK
Posts: 1902
The Scoring Sheet followed by the Council
This is the score sheet that is followed by the council before a new member is declared into the pack. Good luck!!!!!

Yes/No answers only apply (This form is to be filled out after 1 month of the applicants submission)

8 is the pass mark (If the answer is no then the applicant scores no points unless a deduction is declared in the question, in which the applicant will actually lose points)

1. Is the applicant Friendly to all? (1 point)
2. Is the applicant mature in conduct? (1 point - NO is a automatic fail)
3. Is the applicant active (1 point - Roughly 25 posts in 1 month)
4. Is the applicant over 16? (1 point - NO is minus 2 points) instantly)
5. Has the applicant got the approval of over half the council? (50/50 or below results in NO and an automatic fail)
6. Has there been any serious issues already with any members holding any rank? (1 point for NO / If YES – automatic fail)
7. Does the applicant get involved in team speak? (1 point)
8. Does the applicant contribute content / resources or show the ability to do so? (2 points)
9. Has the applicant been under consideration for 1 month (Compulsory – 1 month from the day application was posted)
10. Has the member been refused before (No is 1point / Yes results in deducting 1 point from the total score and an extra point for each time before)
11. Does the applicant use excessive bad language (Yes deducts 1 point / No is 0 points)
12. Does the Member show the ability to approach issues without disturbing the peace (Disturbing the peace is defined in the rules of mis-conduct)(1 point)

Returning applicants.....
Was the applicant a previous member? (NO means they follow the form above)
Was the applicant banned in the past? (YES means Automatic Fail)
Was the applicant just inactive for more than a 6month period? (YES means automatic Membership)

(Note: Applicants 14 or under can not apply)


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