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[WPC] Wolf Pack Clan Forum Index
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Posted on: 2010/2/22 21:03

Joined: 2010/1/30
From: Sweden
Posts: 216
General Forum Rules - Please read before posting.
Welcome stranger to the hallowed Lair of the Wolf Pack.

There are certain rules when participating in various discussions existing in the forums. Please play by the following rules and enjoy your stay here.

If you should come across any type of problems concerning the forums, dont hesitate to contact either me (MrShad) or my colleague SilentWolf by sending us a private messsage.

Here are our forum rules, please read them carefully...

Respect For Other Users

This is one of the chief rules - respect the other users who share the Forums with you. You may not agree with what they have to say - likewise, they may not agree with you. So agree to disagree. Anyone who is found to be flaming or launching personal attacks against other Forum users may be subject to a ban. The Forums are meant to provide an enjoyable experience for all - so don't abuse them and each other.

Discrimination & Swearwords

There are no set rules against the use of profanity in the Forums, but users should only really apply it where appropriate. Inserting swear words in every post doesn't make a user look "tough" or "clever". In fact to most people, it comes across as a literacy deficiency. Posters who frequently use excessive levels of profanity may be cautioned to tone it down. In no way, will the usage of racial, religious, ethnical or sexual discrimination be allowed on our forums. This may lead to definite banning.


Mindless spamming will NOT be tolerated in the Forums. Any user found posting pointless rubbish (such as multiple posts with no text, only smilies - for example) is likely to incur a warning, followed by a ban. Filling the boards with pointless or nonsensical posts simply to gain a Forum rank is not acceptable either.


The posting of adult links, banners, or any other material that promotes pornographic material is prohibited. These forums are for the discussion of Wolf Pack Clan issues, not sexual entertainment. If you want to discuss or observe that kind of thing, we suggest you look elsewhere.

Warez & Crackz

The posting of warez links is forbidden - any user caught doing so will be subject to a possible ban (and the link deleted).Furthermore, any threads posting links to (or asking for) cracks or CD-keys for games will be deleted.
The Wolf Pack Clan also prohibits any form of cheat publishing, whether with a link, or explanations of any kind.

Caps Usage

As with regular online chatrooms and other Internet Forums, please do not use all caps (ie. higher-case text) when posting - especially when creating a new thread title. Using caps is conventionally akin to "shouting" online - and isn't really necessary for entire posts.

Written by
[WPC] Solo, founder of The Wolf Pack Clan

Silent Wolf
WPC Pack Keepers

"Be mindful of the shadows, thy fate awaits thee."
-Shadow Spirit

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