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Are you a country person or city person?
Ended at 2014/5/12 0:03
Country 37 % 37 % (11)
City 62 % 62 % (18)
Total Votes: 29
Total Voters: 29

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Author Thread
Published: 2014/5/5 11:45  Updated: 2014/5/5 11:45
Wise Wolf
Joined: 2011/5/25
From: SouthWest UK
Comments: 2393
 Somewhere in between
I'd say I'm more of a town person, but given the choice city all the way.
Published: 2014/5/5 12:58  Updated: 2014/5/5 12:58
Joined: 2010/2/19
From: the Netherlands
Comments: 2442
 Re: Somewhere in between
If I had my little way, this would be me in 50 years or so:

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Published: 2014/5/6 3:19  Updated: 2014/5/6 3:22
Pack Member
Joined: 2012/6/2
From: Wisconsin- U.S.A
Comments: 112
 Re: Somewhere in between
I personally would prefer a nice suburb on the outskirts of a small city maybe medium city tops, but I don't think I'd enjoy the big city. I've lived in the burbs for one large part of my life, and then in the boonies for another large part, and then within a small city for another small part. I said country since I enjoy the burbs/country more even though I like to be within 30 minutes or so of the city.

Madison, Wisconsin is my example of a small city that I've grown up around and enjoy.

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Published: 2014/5/7 4:16  Updated: 2014/5/7 4:16
Pack Member
Joined: 2012/2/15
From: Greece
Comments: 498
 Re: Somewhere in between
I agree with Mitchell. I grew up and live in the suburbs/small city, and it is my favorite. Not much noise, there is a lot of green, and i still have fast access to shopping malls, hospitals, and fast food . I wouldn't be able to live in a large and very crowded town though.
Published: 2014/5/8 0:37  Updated: 2014/5/8 0:37
Joined: 2012/3/26
From: Netherlands
Comments: 158
 Re: Somewhere in between
I put country, but I think I'd most love to live in a space station. :D
Published: 2014/5/9 2:37  Updated: 2014/5/9 2:37
Pack Member
Joined: 2014/2/26
From: Long Island, NY
Comments: 32
 Re: Somewhere in between
I'm more of a city person. I am happiest roaming the streets of Manhattan but alas, cannot afford to live there at this time.