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Would you commit a crime if you would never get caught?
Ended at 2014/5/4 22:06
Yes. 53 % 53 % (17)
I'm not sure. 31 % 31 % (10)
No. 15 % 15 % (5)
Total Votes: 32
Total Voters: 32

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Author Thread
Published: 2014/5/1 1:08  Updated: 2014/5/1 1:08
Joined: 2012/3/26
From: Netherlands
Comments: 158
 Being bad. :P
I steal from Walmart sometimes. They'll never catch me.
Published: 2014/5/2 5:43  Updated: 2014/5/2 5:43
Long Fangs
Joined: 2012/12/1
From: Columbus.
Comments: 380
 Re: Being bad. :P
SAME. I'm terrible