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Primary and Secondary archetype activity in SC? (choose two)
Ended at 2014/2/16 17:42
Bounty hunting 15 % 15 % (6)
Engineering 5 % 5 % (2)
Exploration 12 % 12 % (5)
Freelancing 5 % 5 % (2)
Infiltration 2 % 2 % (1)
Piracy 2 % 2 % (1)
Resources 5 % 5 % (2)
Scouting 5 % 5 % (2)
Security 12 % 12 % (5)
Smuggling 15 % 15 % (6)
Social 5 % 5 % (2)
Trading 5 % 5 % (2)
Transport 10 % 10 % (4)
Total Votes: 40
Total Voters: 13

The comments are owned by the author. We aren't responsible for their content.
Author Thread
Published: 2014/2/10 22:41  Updated: 2014/2/10 22:41
Pack Member
Joined: 2013/1/14
From: New York
Comments: 113
DO ALL THE THINGS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Published: 2014/2/10 22:42  Updated: 2014/2/10 22:42
Pack Member
Joined: 2010/7/29
From: Pula, Croatia/Hrvatska
Comments: 1636
 Re: Comment