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What type of archetype should the WPC be in upcoming Star Citizen
Ended at 2014/2/9 16:12
Corporation - a for-profit business entity 0 % (0)
PMC (Private Military Company - for organizations with a taste for combat 30 % 30 % (6)
Faith - organizations that have come together for a single cause or under a single banner 20 % 20 % (4)
Syndicate - common interest groups for those who operate on the edges (or outside) the law 40 % 40 % (8)
Organization - a generic organization with no association 10 % 10 % (2)
Total Votes: 20
Total Voters: 20

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Author Thread
Published: 2014/2/4 22:45  Updated: 2014/2/4 22:45
Pack Member
Joined: 2013/1/14
From: New York
Comments: 113
KILL EVERYTHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!