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If you met yourself, would you like that person?
Ended at 2014/1/21 14:19
Yes. 41 % 41 % (10)
No. 33 % 33 % (8)
Maybe. 25 % 25 % (6)
Total Votes: 24
Total Voters: 24

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Author Thread
Published: 2014/1/14 20:23  Updated: 2014/1/14 20:23
Joined: 2010/6/6
From: Holland
Comments: 1149
Wow from the score i think alot of people should watch this and see it as an eyeopener if they feel like that about themselves?
Published: 2014/1/17 18:14  Updated: 2014/1/17 18:14
Pack Member
Joined: 2013/1/14
From: New York
Comments: 113
 Re: hmmmm
I said maybe cause i would probably kill myself and pull a highlander. "THERE CAN ONLY BE ONE!!!!!!!"
Published: 2014/1/18 13:58  Updated: 2014/1/18 13:58
Joined: 2011/7/2
From: Bulgaria
Comments: 558
 Re: hmmmm
Yes of course because he will like the same things as I do :D