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Can you guess which answer has the highest percentage?
Ended at 2013/10/20 18:01
Alpha 36 % 36 % (11)
Beta 13 % 13 % (4)
Gamma 20 % 20 % (6)
Delta 30 % 30 % (9)
Total Votes: 30
Total Voters: 30

The comments are owned by the author. We aren't responsible for their content.
Author Thread
Published: 2013/10/14 9:47  Updated: 2013/10/14 9:47
Wise Wolf
Joined: 2011/5/25
From: SouthWest UK
Comments: 2393
I don't understand the question.
Published: 2013/10/14 11:04  Updated: 2013/10/14 11:04
Wise Wolf
Joined: 2010/2/4
From: The Netherlands
Comments: 5133
 Re: ?
Delta. Because The Borg are in the Delta Quadrant, and you don't fck with the Borg.
Published: 2013/10/14 17:47  Updated: 2013/10/14 17:47
Pack Member
Joined: 2010/7/29
From: Pula, Croatia/Hrvatska
Comments: 1636
 Re: ?
I knew it! You like ST more than SW!
Published: 2013/10/16 19:10  Updated: 2013/10/16 19:10
Old Grey
Joined: 2009/5/21
From: Belgium
Comments: 1020
 Re: ?

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Published: 2013/10/18 9:55  Updated: 2013/10/18 9:55
Wise Wolf
Joined: 2010/2/4
From: The Netherlands
Comments: 5133
 Re: ?
I knew it! You like ST more than SW!

You doubted this? Silly man...