Q : Who is thomas dean?
A : Well, im a 23year old Chef from the UK, urm, yea, thats me lol
Q : if you had to describe yourself in 3 words what would they be?
A : Extrovert, Vain and Respectful kinda
Q : Who is your favourite WPC member?
A : Oh well thats a nasty little question! well everyone of course, i dont have
favourites, as its a community, im there for all people not just one :P
Q : what sets you apart from the other members?
A : lol not too sure to be honest, except being the only gay in the WPC
(ouch old bad joke :P)
Q : Is there anything we dont know about you?
A : urm, im Bipolar, therefore a manic depressive, i have huge highs and
massive lows
Q : would you ever see adam (partner) joining the wpc?
A : haha no, he is a massive technopobe, he can just about work his phone, which
is about a million years old
Q : would you like to make the WPC site a bit moe gay-friendly?
A : lol, i dont know how it could be, to be honest its not the site but the people that
make it gay friendly and it already is. Beside sexuality is not what the sites about, just
me being open about myself and shouting it out like a prancing queen hehe
Q : ok, tell me about your life
A : well, i was born in a town called harlow in essex, uk, on the 21st august 1987, where i
lived for 14 years, unstill a few years back i moved a few towns over to a nicer place, I
started my career as a pot was at the age of 14, in a small restaurant, and worked my
way up over the years to run the place, i move a few jobs and gained experience,
until i landed a sous chef job with Marico Lorenzini, the ex Executive Chef of the
QE II, where i learned a shit load, we are good friends now, and im working in a new place,
that takes up pretty much all my time, with 14 hour shifts 5-6 days a week, which hurts, lol
Q : you worked at 14?
A : yup lol
Q : if you werent a chef, what would you like to be?
A : i have always been interested with the Science and have found a uni course that i wish
to do soon, therefore coming out of catering, the course is Molecular Chemistry, and im
also thinking of increasing that to biology and physicals also, so i can have an intimate knowledge
of the way the world works
Q : How did you come across the WPC?
A : I started playing on their servers in AVP 2010
Q : how long ago was that
A : about 3 or 4 months ago
Q : What were your first impressions?
A : at first, a decent website, that was easily traversed, and the people seemed to be down \
to earth and a nice bunch
Q : What does being MOTM mean to you?
A : to me it means I've been noted as a member, and that i am appreciated in the WPC. either
the or someone was feeling sorry for me :P
Q : where did you get the idea for your username?
A : well my last name is dean and i oh so want to be a lord, maybe one day......maybe
Q : what is your favorite aspect of the site?
A : the networking with all the members, chat box and the forums, kinda like a nexus for
WPC members to plan and take over the world
Q : what is your favorite clan game and why?
A : probably a tie between killing floor and AVP, I've always loved the Alien franchise, maybe a
bit more then the predator, but its always been an obsession really. and killing floor, well who
does not like killing zombies? now that's an insane thought
Q : is there any game you think would be a good addition to the clan?
A : urm none that i can think of at the moment, due to everyone differing opinions, some don't
like what i like and others do, so I'm happy with what we have at the moment, if there's room
for more I'm all for it, but I'm not willing to put forward anything at this time
Q : do you find the WPC page a good contrast to your busy work?
A : yea, its easily accessible as i said and its always there, a constant if you will, i can
access it from home or iphone on my break, as much as i would love to sit and chat all
day i don't think a laptop in the kitchen would go down too well
Q : Is there anything you think would make the site better? Like a LordDean recipe module
A : haha, it would be nice, but other then that I'm happy with whats up, sure the site
isn't perfect, as nothing in this world is, damn close though. I'm kinda laid back and going
with the flow. but if i don't like the way things are going I'm sure to say something :P
Q : do you think that the WPC will grow in numbers?
A : yes, it will, with all the new additions, game wise, that have been added
recently, there is more of a pool for the WPC to grow, the more games the
more potential member. so yes, i think it will keep on growing
End of interview.
Well done Conor and Lord Dean, the council is very pleased with your work!
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A new giant update for the game is in the making... What will it be?
New enemies? New guns? Perks? Oh my...
quote :
John Gibson: We're cranking away on a new free content pack for Killing Floor
right now. The content pack will feature some more of the best custom maps
from the Grindhouse Mapping Competition polished up for official release. The
content pack will also feature something new for the Firebug (although probably
not something people will expect). We've also been listening to the community,
and have a whole batch of balance changes we're working on for the release.
Regarding plans for aKilling Floor sequel, well I would say something but there
is a Fleshpound with a glowing red chest and spinning arm blades behind me
threatening to grind me up if I say anything.
thanx to undyinglight for the info!
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Thats it for now... we have some website changes on the way...but im gonna
shut my mouth about it lol. You guys just have to wait and see!