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Website : The new news module!
Posted by Webley on 2010/2/13 22:30:00 (8650 reads)


By hovering over the news button you will have the option to submit your own news for the front page! It will have to be of course approved by an admin, and hell, i might even re-word a little of it to make you look grammatically correct if your an imbecile  - but thats because im a nice guy :) - jokes aside i hope this will make our front pages look more spectacular! So even if you think its half intresting, write it up, or copy and paste it with a source link and send it!

Please note at the bottom of the form (if you have rights to publish news) to specify the time or you might not see it appear till the next day - also as a side note i have removed rights for annoymous and standard registered users to be able to publish news which maybe pronographic or possibly death threats as a result to my awesome sauce with predator - wolves however should be able to publish and anyone above 

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