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Games : AVP PC Patch 5 Provisional Release notes
Posted by Buzz on 2010/6/25 22:00:00 (12096 reads)

The following notes are the provisional release details of PC patch 5. This is currently scheduled for release early next week (28th June onwards) assuming QA approval. Please note that once Patch 5 goes live, all dedicated servers will need to update to the new version before they can be played on.

New Features • Enabled XP gain, leaderboard updates and associated achievements and skin unlocks for non-ranked games as well as Ranked Matches. Now the differences between ranked and unranked games is that in Ranked Matches, skill-based matchmaking, team balancing and other Ranked Match associated rules are enforced and in Player matches they are not. You are now unable to have a game that does not update the leaderboards, or award XP.
• Major overhaul of low-level networking code for player-hosted (i.e. not Dedicated Server) games in order to improve connection stability and pings.

Bug Fixes
• Prevented runaway memory consumption under D3D11 if an FMV is playing when you lock (ctrl-alt-del - "lock computer") your machine with an NVIDIA card.
• Several "groups" issues have been fixed, including a reported issue with Group leaders causing group members to disconnect from Games if they leave and then join another Server.
• The spawning system has been tweaked, so that players will have a reduced chance of spawning very close to other (enemy) players.
• Server start up crash which occurred on Win 7 32bit Home Premium has been fixed.
• Several Server stability issues have been fixed

Balance Changes
• Flamethrower primary fire now ignites target if 25% of health has been depleted. Flames will now continue to burn until target is dead, or target extinguishes flames. Base damage is unchanged.
• Alien leap attack now causes the knockdown flinch on all targets from the "long distance" range. Damage is unchanged.
• Alien tail attack now causes the light attack flinch, which does not "root" the target. Damage is unchanged.
• You are now not able to jump and start a melee move in the air/until the jump has completed, or initiate a melee move and then jump until the melee animation has finished. Affects all species.
• Stealth attack has had some tweaks to reduce the potential for an initiation to occur from outside the allowed "angle" and range has been reduced from 8m to 6m
• The Predator flinch ranges have been equalised with the Aliens, and as a result can now be knocked down by a counter (from any species), or an Alien leap attack that successfully lands.
• Knockdown leap distance is now between 9-12m instead of 6-12m. Affects Aliens and Predators.
• Predator maximum leap distance is now capped at 12m (in line with Alien) and is not modified by vision mode.
• The Marine block will now only block 50% of an incoming light attack damage value instead of 100%.

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Author Thread
Published: 2010/6/25 23:26  Updated: 2010/6/25 23:26
Pack Member
Joined: 2010/3/27
From: Newcastle, England
Comments: 1567
 Re: PC Patch 5 Provisional Release notes
Sweet does this apply to consoles to? and any news on DLC ? :D
Published: 2010/6/26 1:47  Updated: 2010/6/26 1:47
Old Grey
Joined: 2009/12/14
From: UK
Comments: 1902
 Re: AVP PC Patch 5 Provisional Release notes
this is brilliant - i wil surley be playing this again with excitment - good work buzz by the way with this post, and your hosting - this really is good news - thankyou rebellion and our lair keepers

@zeek - consoles will get it, but the developers will usually wait for the pc platforms to succesfully update and settle before taking on possible problems when updating other platforms - what they dont want to do is roll out a patch to all platforms and discover a bug thats going to cost them manpower that will have to be spread across 3 platforms - 1 platform at a time so they have enough men to handle any issues comfortably
Published: 2010/6/26 10:19  Updated: 2010/6/26 10:19
Pack Member
Joined: 2010/3/27
From: Newcastle, England
Comments: 1567
 Re: AVP PC Patch 5 Provisional Release notes
Yeh i know what you mean Dragon age had one of those problems which delayed DLC for nearly a month
Published: 2010/6/26 12:41  Updated: 2010/6/26 12:41
Joined: 2010/6/6
From: Holland
Comments: 1149
 Re: AVP PC Patch 5 Provisional Release notes
Hmmm well looks like things will get better after all.. but will it ever come close to AVP2? i doubt it.
From what i can see they gave us more control over the (alien) auto-attack crap at last.
I'm sure this won't be the last patch we'll see either
Published: 2010/6/26 18:42  Updated: 2010/6/26 18:45
Wise Wolf
Joined: 2010/5/26
From: Northern Ireland
Comments: 1304
 Re: AVP PC Patch 5 Provisional Release notes
About time! Seems now the alien can actually stand its ground! For a pure melee species it was the easiest to knock down and easiest to counter!!

The 50% block damage for marines now is a bit of shit one though. May be a bit more "realistic" but for their poor health and stagger already, the 100% block damage was fair enough to me.
Published: 2010/6/26 20:48  Updated: 2010/6/26 20:48
Pack Member
Joined: 2010/3/27
From: Newcastle, England
Comments: 1567
 Re: AVP PC Patch 5 Provisional Release notes
Hope i can get the match out before this patch! it may rid me of my skills
Published: 2010/6/26 22:17  Updated: 2010/6/26 22:17
Lair Keeper
Joined: 2009/5/23
From: New York NY
Comments: 2728
 Re: AVP PC Patch 5 Provisional Release notes
Thanks webley I try.! I m realy hoping the release of the XP will help this community with competions or somthing and Im praying trhat they fix the SERVER lag that came with patch 4 so I can launch all our servers..grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
Published: 2010/6/27 2:21  Updated: 2010/6/27 2:21
Pack Member
Joined: 2010/1/16
From: Copenhagen
Comments: 51
 Re: AVP PC Patch 5 Provisional Release notes
This is great! I was really hoping that alot of these changes would happen :)
Published: 2010/6/27 12:44  Updated: 2010/6/27 12:44
Pack Member
Joined: 2010/3/27
From: Newcastle, England
Comments: 1567
 Re: AVP PC Patch 5 Provisional Release notes
I like that thee grabbing distance had been fixed!
Published: 2010/6/29 21:02  Updated: 2010/6/29 21:02
Pack Member
Joined: 2010/6/15
From: Poland, Tychy
Comments: 269
 Re: AVP PC Patch 5 Provisional Release notes
" The Predator flinch ranges have been equalised with the Aliens, and as a result can now be knocked down by a counter (from any species), or an Alien leap attack that successfully lands."

Finally that bastards will become a bit weaker. It's more than enough for me. :he: And it's good that they did something with stealth kills... Maybe i put an end to mid air grabs...
Published: 2010/8/1 20:16  Updated: 2010/8/1 20:16
Pack Member
Joined: 2010/3/27
From: Newcastle, England
Comments: 1567
 Re: AVP PC Patch 5 Provisional Release notes
Im gutted we missed out on this