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Games : Aliens vs. Predator Swarm Map Pack DLC Now Available + PATCH #3
Posted by Webley on 2010/3/18 9:30:00 (12541 reads)

Aliens vs. Predator Swarm Map Pack is now available on Steam.

The Swarm Map Pack includes four new maps: Two new Survivor maps and two multiplayer maps for six different online modes.

The Swarm Map Pack will be available in North America tomorrow at 9 AM PST.


There is also a new patch on the way...

Rebellion have released 2 patches for the PC since release. They’ve just recently announced that the 3rd is not far off and that the console versions will also be receiving some fine-tuning:


Rebellion today confirmed that analysis of player feedback following the launch of the chart-topping Aliens vs Predator will shortly lead to the release of a patch on Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3.

Following updates to the PC, including integration of a Dedicated Server client, the company stated: “We are aware of and grateful to the community for communicating with us and helping this process along. The updates are going through rigorous QA and we hope to have them available publicly very soon.”

Among numerous balancing and weapon tweaks, Xbox Live players will see the removal of long waiting times reported by some players when searching for a ranked match, and improved support for southpaw players. Other modifications include XP being incorrectly affected by offline play and team balancing logic for applicable modes.

Rebellion CEO Jason Kingsley added: “We’ve been overwhelmed with the response to AVP and want our fans to know if it’s within our power to keep them happy through on-going support then we shall do so. Some things just can’t be foreseen and it’s great that we are able to respond to requests for modifications in this way.”


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Author Thread
Published: 2010/3/18 12:31  Updated: 2010/3/18 12:31
Pack Member
Joined: 2010/2/26
From: D.C.
Comments: 91
 Re: Aliens vs. Predator Swarm Map Pack DLC Now Available ...
thats awsome, im tired of waiting just so the host can leave.
Published: 2010/3/18 13:53  Updated: 2010/3/18 13:53
Wise Wolf
Joined: 2010/2/4
From: The Netherlands
Comments: 5133
 Re: Aliens vs. Predator Swarm Map Pack DLC Now Available ...
funny that the ps3 almost never has this problem...told yah the 2 networks are equal to each other. Fanboys that still state the x-box has a better network are either blind or just ignorant...wich is usally the case with fanboyism.
Published: 2010/3/19 0:39  Updated: 2010/3/19 0:39
Lair Keeper
Joined: 2009/5/23
From: New York NY
Comments: 2728
 Re: Aliens vs. Predator Swarm Map Pack DLC Now Available ...
ok guys have a SWARM server up with 2 maps--Docks--Outpost

Cant figure out how to use other maps ..they are survivor mode only it looks to be.

but who ever has the map pack give a try...

we need another patch
Published: 2010/3/19 22:45  Updated: 2010/3/19 22:46
Wise Wolf
Joined: 2010/2/9
Comments: 520
 Re: Aliens vs. Predator Swarm Map Pack DLC Now Available ...
where do you get this new map pack

or is it included in the patch

* fanboys standby there systems .. * hehe

Published: 2010/3/20 11:10  Updated: 2010/3/20 11:10
Wise Wolf
Joined: 2010/2/4
From: The Netherlands
Comments: 5133
 Re: Aliens vs. Predator Swarm Map Pack DLC Now Available ...
Nothing in the EU store...guess we will have to wait again....grrrrrrrrrrrr
Published: 2010/3/20 13:30  Updated: 2010/3/20 13:30
Lair Keeper
Joined: 2009/5/23
From: New York NY
Comments: 2728
 Re: Aliens vs. Predator Swarm Map Pack DLC Now Available ...
you can get from steam...was 7.99 for me

also it looks like the patch will be on Monday as per steam.

we need this patch badly/along with new dedicated servers.
