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Games : First DLC Swarms To Aliens vs Predator 18th March
Posted by Webley on 2010/3/8 16:50:00 (9416 reads)


The first downloadable content for Aliens vs Predator will shortly be available for Xbox 360, PlayStation 3 and PC platforms. Featuring 4 new maps for different multiplayer modes, previously only available in the Special Editions, this downloadable content will challenge all three species for the fight of their existence.

Two new Multiplayer maps for six different online modes (Deathmatch, Predator Hunt, Infestation, Species Deathmatch, Mixed Species Deathmatch and Domination) :

• Docks: The caustic alkali waters of BG-386 put an end to Weyland-Yutani’s planned shipping activities.
• Machine: As well as processing exotic ores, the BG-386 Refinery provided electrical power to the colonists at Freya’s Prospect.

Two new Survivor maps in which up to four Marines battle to stay alive against increasing swarms of Aliens:

• Outpost: The site of the original Weyland-Yutani colony on BG-386 was abandoned, and soon reclaimed by the planet’s voracious jungle plant life.

• Hive: Deep in the heart of the Freya’s Prospect Refinery lays the Xenomorph Hive.

The “Swarm Map Pack” will be available on 18 March for €5.99/ £4.79/ 560 Microsoft Points.


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Author Thread
Published: 2010/3/8 17:30  Updated: 2010/3/8 17:30
Wise Wolf
Joined: 2010/1/30
From: Sweden
Comments: 216
 Re: First DLC Swarms To Aliens vs Predator 18th March
At last, new content. but no game fixes? That DLC shoudl be free.
Published: 2010/3/8 17:43  Updated: 2010/3/8 17:43
Pack Member
Joined: 2010/3/4
From: Schöneck/Germany
Comments: 342
 Re: First DLC Swarms To Aliens vs Predator 18th March
*Put his Tail Between his Legs and Run away*T_T can't get it
Published: 2010/3/8 20:24  Updated: 2010/3/8 20:24
Wise Wolf
Joined: 2010/2/6
From: Yorkshire born, Yorkshire bred
Comments: 1503
 Re: First DLC Swarms To Aliens vs Predator 18th March
I remember back in the day they used to give away this stuff 4 free.
Published: 2010/3/8 23:10  Updated: 2010/3/8 23:10
Pack Member
Joined: 2010/2/17
From: Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Comments: 194
 Re: First DLC Swarms To Aliens vs Predator 18th March
Its like developer had already those map in the retail version and someone step and and say...

**Wait a minute, we could remove some maps and then make people pay again for them...Isn't that great!!**

VG companies are real money Leeches.
Published: 2010/3/10 13:32  Updated: 2010/3/10 13:32
Lair Keeper
Joined: 2009/5/23
From: New York NY
Comments: 2728
 Re: First DLC Swarms To Aliens vs Predator 18th March
Yeah its bad that they are making us pay for somthing thats usaly FREE...grrrr they are getting out of hand. :argh: