Well the time has come for my last newsletter for quite some time, so solo and the council have asked me to write this one up, this is early because i will not be here on sunday so today is my last day that i am able to get on the site So here you go
First things first i'd like to welcome into our clan 3 new members, Zachman and Night who have been waiting a few weeks to get into the clan, and also Husky while this guy hasn't long applied to join he has shown in the last few days that he is fitting into the clan well, welcome guys you will have acsess soon. To the others, just be active on the site or in game and you will be in, in no time
Long Fangs elections
With me leaving the clan that leaves a seat open on the council, so it's that time of year again that we hold elections, Now we know that noone on the council has been voted in so it's only fair that all community seats are up ( for all you new members solo is the only one who isnt voted in as he in the clan leader ) also for you new people a quick note on what happens with these votes 4 seats are up ANYONE can apply as long as you have the time to commit to the job, all matters with the clan are voted on by the council once a week in weekly meetings, you have to be active to do this job, now while anyone can apply PLEASE do not vote for your friends please vote for the people who you think are able to do a good job, if you think the current council are doing a great job for this clan ( just like i do ) then vote them back in, please note to any new council member if any information regarding the council forum or it's contents are given to members outside the council this will resort in your council membership being stripped without notice and also maybe your membership to the clan will be terminated ( we feel that strongly about being able to trust every member in this clan and if you cant do that then you have no place here ) Now a new topic is going to be created in the forums as i have said anyone can apply for these seats, after 2/3 days that topic will be locked now that there is 4 seats open you will send a PM to solo that contain 4 names out of all those applyed that you feel would be best to run the clan, the people with the most votes will get a term, each term lasts about 6 months then we do this process again, this gives everyone a chance to get in the council and a chance to run the clan, but again if you think this clan is running great as it is at the time of the elections then please vote the same people back in.
While we are doing very well with the level of people asking to join us, we are always on the lookout for new members, so whenever you get a chance help Tic out and get more people here.
Blood howler
As you all know by now, snooze has started writing story's for the site, the first one was a big hit with everyone and i know everyone is looking forward to some more of those, on another note regarding storys solo has found some of atomics old story's ( the older members will know this name ) he is going to post 1 every week so people can read the original WPC story YES josh you are also in the clan mate welcome back, Thats it for this week, on a personal note, i will miss you all, while i know i'm going to be back from time to time it's a strange feeling leaving this place and knowing that i'm not going to be involved in the running of the clan, just make sure this place is here when i get a chance to come back on !! Other than that....it's been a great run i've had in this clan and i thank you all for making this such a great time for me, Solo m8 i cant say enough to thank you for making this clan and giving us all here a place to meet, Shad if it wasnt for you i would never have joined thanks m8 you have always had my respect and friendship, so have, web, tic, hemi, snooze, oasky, oxyfire, josh, main, manu, tiddles, buzz, and SO many others that i just cant put the names down otherwise this post in going to get out of hand lol, just remember guys have fun guys and i'll see you soon !!!!