Games : AVP PC Dedicated Servers are up! AVP2 with Blaze + Sneek peek at Predators (Movie)
Posted by Webleyon 2010/3/3 13:50:00 (10871 reads)
This is just a post to inform you all that our 3 AVP Dedicated servers are up.
This means we currently host: 2x AVP2 Server 3x AVP Server 1x Teamspeak Server
(Courtesy of Buzznet, B-2?)
Please give a massive thanks for [WPC] Buzz for making this possible (and B-2?)
Also tonight and tomorrow night we will be sending a fond fair well to our 8 year old veteran member and long fang [WPC] Blaze by playing AvP2 on our dedicated server. If you have lost the discs this can be downloaded from the [WPC] menu on the left when you log in. You do not require a CD key. Download Nanospy to browse for our server IP's
We wish him the best of luck with joining the Army! *Salute*
On a separate note watch this video for some interesting footage for the new Predators film up and coming for 2010. Contains some spoiling information.
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Re: AVP PC Dedicated Servers are up! AVP2 with Blaze + Sn...
Are these servers actually dedicated or are you guys simply running a dedicated process off of your home machines? I ask because I see some very high pings and a bit of lag when the servers start to fill up beyond 8 players.