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Community : Newsletter because of absent council
Posted by Buzz on 2014/7/30 0:30:00 (8387 reads)

If i went to far in making this,my apologize to the council Ok boys and girls,lets get this over with FIREFALL

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Firefall is a Free-to-Play sci-fi MMO Shooter set in a dynamic, living, open world. Experience fast-paced shooting action with thousands of players from around the world and fight against the Chosen to reclaim Earth. Get it on steam,its a pretty good game(Friend told me)

Killing Floor server 4 doom3

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So far Buzz has a test server running to see how the new ScrnBalance version works,and so far it works good,A few issues with the Scrnbalance achievements not working right but for now Buzz has a few personal things going on,so its put on hold until i can talk with him.


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As most of you already know from Whisky's newsletter,the clan is having some time off as in the council and founders of WPC,but some of us are still here and still chat in the T.S. server as well as play some games together..They will be back... So this is your friendly Timberwolf letting everyone know we are still here and remember.there is always a wolf in the clan..and this one is killing time!!!!

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Author Thread
Published: 2014/7/30 2:35  Updated: 2014/7/30 2:43
Lair Keeper
Joined: 2010/11/3
From: New York
Comments: 402
 Re: Newsletter because of absent council
Its an honor to see this on the front page..if i knew this would happen i would have made a better and longer one lulz thanks Buzz
Published: 2014/7/30 20:45  Updated: 2014/7/30 20:45
Pack Member
Joined: 2012/3/7
From: Northern Wastelands of Canada
Comments: 258
 Re: Newsletter because of absent council
I've touched firefall. Only for a couple hours albeit, but...


It felt like the quintessential combination of a 3rd person shooter crossed with an mmo.