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Clan Council : Newsletter 221
Posted by Whisky on 2014/6/28 18:59:43 (9232 reads)

Welcome to this weeks newsletter!


Member News

So what do I have for you folks today, well to kick things off a little bit of member news. If you missed it last week, or are so old you've forgotten about it, schools have finished. This means we had a lot of members graduating. So if you gradurated recently, well done you! Now the hard part starts. Seriously though, enjoy your holidays, be it relaxing, getting some work in or even continuing your studies. You deserive it.

Now, a few of you may have been wondering where I'd gotten to. Or more likely your thought to yourselves "Isn't it quiet these days?" Well there was a good reason for that. If you take a look at the thread HERE. You'll see some fun pictures of my time in mainland Europe. What was I doing there you ask? Well I was meeting WPC members!

Sithlord, Scott and Katt.
(I'm top row, second from left. Sith top 3rd. Scott top 5th. Kat bottom centre.)

Mainland Europe
Cherry, Hemi, Snooze (&Mina), MissMorph, Xenomorph and Solo!

And as a special bonus... MORJ!

Game ON!

Suffice to say I've been rather busy meeting folks of late. Time to relax myself I think.
Staying on the subject of meeting folks in real life. Sithlord is going to be touring the USA in a month. If you fancy meeting him (he's a laugh, I can attest to that.) Then why not speak up in the thread he started HERE.  


Well then. The WPC Grand Tournament 1 started off on a spectacular note. TS was heaving, everyone was getting into the game and having a blast. Shame at the end it fell apart. Well I'm thinking about organising another one. I need to know if people are going to be interested in playing it again. If you are then chime in HERE. I still have the prizes from last time. £20 of STEAM credit. *Crowd cheers*

There is also a mini competition on the go again. This time a L4D2 Survial theme. Check out all the details HERE!

We also have a screenshot of the week. Not getting many submissions though. Let's see some more guys! Anyway. Here is this weeks winner. This was a tough one but I thought Timberwolf's submission pulled ahead. Well done mate.

Gaming News

A couple of things regarding Aliens Colonial Marines have appeared. One about a fix and another about a mod. The mod in particular has my attention as it changes the BugHunt mode. No longer will you have the Wayland Yutani mercs come running at you. It's aliens only and also boilers and chargers. Can't wait to give this a go!

Sithlord has taken the initative and is planning some games. Get involved guys! Details HERE (and HERE? Ok, not strictly a game but it still counts.)

If you are blind, deaf and dumb you would have still known that there was a Steam sale. Please help. Seriously, I've already bought at least 20 games... HALP!

Is THIS a game? No rules that I can tell but the massive thread that appeared overnight seems to be a blast. All as a result of, well, Snooze being Snooze. ;) Slowed down somewhat. I think Scott doubled his post count in one night. So don't stop now folks. I want to see this thread fill reach the 100s of pages. Here's the challange, no repeats!

I'm told that football (not handegg football, football football.) has some news in it. America is through to the second round while England is out. I must say I'm pleased with this. Although there is an odd observation been made. America stopped looking at as much porn during the match. Straight porn that is, gay porn saw a boost in page hits. How bizzare... you have any theorys?

Also will everyone join me in wishing King Henry VIII a happy 523rd birthday.

That's all from me this week. Remember there is always a wolf in the woods, sometimes two, quite often armed.

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Author Thread
Published: 2014/6/28 19:09  Updated: 2014/6/28 19:09
Pack Member
Joined: 2014/2/22
From: UK
Comments: 351
 Re: Newsletter 221
See we TOLD Scott he was a member and theres your proof lol!!

As for games we saw a bit of a resurgence in TS the last couple of days. Only up to 4-5 members but babysteps. Next challenge: Double Figures!! Come on people lets do it.

AvP game tonite. Infestation server is alas not working at the moment but me and Mikeamaerica are already and raring to go as soon as we get one or two more. And if not then its PayDay or ACM! Either way lets have some games and a laugh on TS :) See you all soon!!!!
Published: 2014/6/28 20:39  Updated: 2014/6/28 20:39
Pack Member
Joined: 2010/7/29
From: Pula, Croatia/Hrvatska
Comments: 1636
 Re: Newsletter 221
I like the banner! \o/

Also, looking for #1 and #2 Summer Sale cards.
Published: 2014/6/29 1:40  Updated: 2014/6/29 1:40
Pack Member
Joined: 2011/12/8
From: Newcastle
Comments: 83
 Re: Newsletter 221
For the record. Not a member
Published: 2014/6/29 10:03  Updated: 2014/6/29 10:03
Joined: 2010/2/19
From: the Netherlands
Comments: 2442
 Re: Newsletter 221
Once a wolf always a wolf! But yeah, we remember how you hate us all scott, I have the thread under my favorites.

Nice newsletter Whisky! Pics needed to be bigger, ask Ninjacx how to do it.
Published: 2014/6/29 10:12  Updated: 2014/6/29 10:12
Pack Member
Joined: 2011/12/8
From: Newcastle
Comments: 83
 Re: Newsletter 221
I don't hate you all. Just you and a few others.
Published: 2014/6/29 11:03  Updated: 2014/6/29 11:03
Wise Wolf
Joined: 2010/2/4
From: The Netherlands
Comments: 5133
 Re: Newsletter 221
Good to know.

Anyway... Nice newsletter and all. Love the pics. It was nice having so many WPC members around the house. :D
Published: 2014/6/29 11:09  Updated: 2014/6/29 11:09
Joined: 2010/2/19
From: the Netherlands
Comments: 2442
 Re: Newsletter 221
Click to see original Image in a new window
Published: 2014/6/29 17:20  Updated: 2014/6/29 17:20
Lair Keeper
Joined: 2010/11/3
From: New York
Comments: 402
 Re: Newsletter 221
Sweet newsletter Whisky and thanks for the SS of the week
I hope i will meet a member at some point,paintball is my jam!!!
(looking to finally kill off Ninjacx)
Published: 2014/6/30 16:33  Updated: 2014/6/30 16:33
Pack Member
Joined: 2014/2/22
From: UK
Comments: 351
 Re: Newsletter 221
Timber come into NYC at the end of August and have a beer or sixteen with me !! Hopefully will be meeting up with B2 at the same time and who knows we might be able to entice Buzz as well! Then you could get a 3 for 1 deal on WPC members lol :)
Published: 2014/7/4 23:54  Updated: 2014/7/4 23:54
Wise Wolf
Joined: 2010/5/26
From: Northern Ireland
Comments: 1304
 Re: Newsletter 221
Sith, if you get any more good lookin I might have to ask you out, dinner and a show ;P

Sorry I meant Katt, my mistake :D

Shit, I meant Whisky ^^