Welcome Wolves, to your late edition of the Weekly Newsletter! It is I, Diction, LongFang busy-person. I'm a little pressed for time, so off we go!
First up, in Clan news, our very on LongFang Whisky is out and about in Croatia, currently, visiting our very own Cherry! 
Look at these guys! They already look like they're having a great time. You two have fun, alright? Have fun on your vacation, Whisky, you deserve it! In secondary news - and I really just want to brag because things are looking up on my end - ZERO'S IN COLUMBUS WITH ME. You got two best friends moving in together and man, our apartment's gonna be great. If you need any further proof that we're together, we each took sneaky photos of one another while at the park yesterday. (Pls pardon my boobs. I'm sorry, it was hot.) 
In other awesome member news, Kawa's made a triumphant return with some amazing storytelling. If you haven't already read it, you need to do so immediately. You'll find the link below! (And Kawa, buddy, this is your friendly neighborhood Diction-Fairy politely demanding that you give us more!) SOAKED. 
For all you EVE fans out there (ahem, Jasper and Hemi), an update dropped June 3rd for Kronos. There's some interesting information on it in PC Gamer, or, at the link here. And once again, before I go, this is a shameless plug for Shit the WPC Says. We're lacking in Submissions and since I'm working 39 hours this week (I'm rolling in money, but not really), I can't be around to listen to EVERYTHING going on. So, get your butts in gear, guys! Send us some awesome conversations and see what comes up. Submission link is as follows: www.shitthewpcsays.tumblr.com/submit - all you have to do is copy/paste or click the link here. That's all for the newsletter this week. Remember, there's always a wolf in the woods, and this one is over the moon about Zero finally moving to her hometown!