Posted by Whiskyon 2014/5/25 21:06:09 (8302 reads)
Aaarg! Zombies!
(Everyone loves zombies right?)
Hello folks, Whisky here with this weeks newsletter, let's see what we have for you today.
Folks have been posting about some games, couple certainly are worth keeping an eye on.
Another Zombie game, been long in development, you can get the full info here.
Lifeless Planet is a third-person action-adventure that features an old-school sci-fi story and spectacular environments in the spirit of classic action-adventures. Player must use wits and skill to solve puzzles, unravel the mystery, and survive the Lifeless Planet!
Pen and Paper
Looks like there is some games starting to surface. In particular folks have expressed an interest in Pax Britannica. An amazing steam punk RPG, I love steampunk. Check out the thread here to get your name down.
Other News
Today is Towel Day, a day to celebrate the life and works of Douglas Adams. The answer of course, is 42.
Screenshot of the Week
I just had to go for Katt's submission, that's some serious craving for Pancakes.
User News
We have a new CUB! Jediknight, Sithlords son, will be joining us as a member. Welcome to the fold Jediknight.
That's it from me! But I leave you with this image. Remember there is always a wolf in the woods, this one has chalk in his hair.
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