Howdy Wolves, Wolfy here with your local news, lets see what goodies we have this week.

Double Trouble Vs. The Children of Chernobyl Just a reminder the finale for the tournament is the 24/25th of May, get ready everybody it's gonna be a doozy, keep your eyes peeled for official times or just stay on all weekend and play games with your fellow wolves, either way it's going to be fun. 
I believe the killing floor competition is still going on so you've still got time to get on that. Requirements: Join a "random" server and just kill everything, score is determined by how many WPC members are at the top of the boards in the end, play fair and nice wolves. More information here, post your amazing scores there too. Whisky says there's a secret to winning this competition, I think if enough wolves together you could probably figure it out... *nudge* 

More places to throw your money, might as well just give me your wallet so you're not tempted, speaking of things tempting your wallet it looks like this year might be a bad year for your wallet. 
It's a good year so far, according to this article Steam already has more games released this year so far compared to 2013. This totally explains where all my money has gone. Looks like Greenlight is part of what's causing all of these release, the indie scene is blowing up on steam nowadays. Will all these games available now you have so many choices of what to play and there's plenty of cheap games, the biggest issue here is it might be harder to find the really good games if they're getting buried under the cow pies. 
Wildstar's release date is fast approaching, come June 3rd everyone will be able to enjoy fantastatic wildstar goodness. I don't know much about this game but it's system requirements aren't too bad and a few wolves definitely seem interested in this game. Here's a quick summary. WildStar offers epic high adventure, where players make their mark as Explorers, Soldiers, Scientists or Settlers and lay claim to a mysterious planet on the edge of known space. WildStar's iconic visual style and "Momentum Mechanics" immerse players in a deep world stacked with content, challenges and rewards that respond to the play style choices of individual players. Depending on a combination of faction, race, class, and path, WildStar will present gamers with unending surprises, mini-quests and challenges, ensuring that their experiences are fun and fresh. Kinda looks like Ratchet and Clank to me, the artstyle is nice and there are guns and giant robot things and weird aliens. Mystery awaits, go check it out here. 
It's coming, i'm excited, you're excited, let's all just get excited. Watch Dogs is a third person sandbox game following Aiden Pearce who is some sort of super hacker that controls street lights and traffic cameras. He can do lots of other stuff too but wouldn't it just be great to turn all red lights green? That would make my commute to work so much easier. Back to Aiden Pearce, he's a hacker/former thug, who's out to get justice for the death of his neice so it's a revenge store with hacking, fast cars, smartphones for you to stare at, and guns for the revenge part, can't have revenge without bullets can we. Release date is May 27th so it'll be out soon and you can ask all your friends if it's worth the triple A title price. 
I see just now that people in the snoozebox are agreeing with eachother that the snoozebox is amazing, we should all use the snooze box, all hail snoozebox. Get you cameras ready lads and ladies and snap those screenshots, let's keep the screenshot of the week thread going strong. There's a whole bunch of forum games going on right now, we've got guess the quote, guess the screenie, twenty questions, and corrupt a wish. Lots of games to choose from, corrupting your fellow wolves wishes sounds fun and it keeps everyone active and together. DnD is making a comeback for some of us, put your two cents in over here and tell everyone what you think. And looks like Hemi took photoshop out of hiding and made our very own Sithlord an avatar which he posted over on his request week thread, it looks really cool, no request week right now but who knows maybe one will come up, I know I sure could use a professional Hemi certified extra sexy avatar. 
There aren't any, still got this terrible looking font thing up there, what is that? It's just gross. Welp that's everything for today folks, Wolfy signing out and remember there's always a wolf in the woods and this one is burying his wallet in the middle of the desert.